Friday, October 24, 2008

...finally...some planting gets done...

I've had the cyclamen so long...
the sunlight on the table has faded the red ones...
nothing was getting stressed...
but it was time...

I rescued the poor maranatha plant[cathedral windows]...
from being cat salad bar...
and trimmed off the munched-on leaves...
leaving this...

after re-potting it in a black pot I "unearthed"...
while cleaning up around the dogwood tree...
and adding the 4 other 4" specimens...
I had this...

I'll let it set "out" a few days...
then bring it in...
if I spray Safers Insecticidal Soap[non-toxic]
on the leaves & let them dry...
that should cat & dog proof them...

I also need to put these in a cool dark place...
until I can plant them...
15 assorted Daffodils...
most of the ones I'd planted don't come up anymore...

so you ALL remember this... right ?

the reappearing[& increasing...] "table of plants that need planting"...

well... a "dent" has been made...

the purple allyssum have joined the snapdragons...

in the planter boxes by the garage...
and the cyclamen have been put in place...

only a slight miscalculation on the size of the white ones...

where yesterday, there were tons o'mums & ferns...


there are none !

most of the ferns have been rearranged on the table...
for better fern welfare...

the 3 maidenhair were planted and are on the fern table...

and where did all the mums go ?

along with the white allyssum...


getting things done....a good feeling...

spending time in the garden w/Molly...a very good feeling...

figuring out HOW to organize...
the order of the upload of these pictures...
so that I could outsmart @#$%^Blogger...
and not have to re-arrange ALL of them...



Miz Minka said...


And congratulations on getting your Blogger-groove back. ;)

catsinger said...


I am, however, still "persona non grata" to Blogger on your blog...
[they will NOT give me a "word verification" WORD...
then laugh at me because I can't read minds...

I'm not sure WHY Blogger is treating just ME this way...

do you think it was...
"something I said" ?
[derisive snort, rolls eyes,...] :\