how could anyone say "no" to this face ?
she is not only all that I had hoped for... she's more...
she whined a bit last night...
when I shut the bedroom door to go to sleep...
but when I said, "it's OK...I'm still here...go to sleep..."
"at large"... in the rest of the house...
with "the gang o'cats"...
and NOT A PEEP did I hear until I got up ...
to take her out around 5:30 AM...
and I was toast... done... convinced...
"convicted in the spirit"... etc...
she was the dog I'd wanted...down to the no drooling... !
I slept until 9 AM...[sinus headache...]
not a peep until I got up...
then it was talking, non-stop...[aka"rohwff-ing"]
she jumped up a little...
but stopped when I turned my back and said "no"...
the kitties were hungry...[Mattie was lobbying...]
so I opened a can...
as soon as I fed Mattie...
and he had eaten his fill...
she swooped in & scarfed up the remaining 2/3 can...
[this was fresh, so she didn't barf it...
I put out more... & the cat food "up"...]
then it was off for a walk around the block...
during which time she piddled again...
I haven't seen her poop yet...
but since she barfed last night...
I wasn't surprised...
after the walk... it was off to the vets...
she was great in the car...
and went in the vets door, no problem...
until she saw the people with the 3 dogs...
one looked like a hound mix and barked...
she became "vigilant"...and stayed close to me...
so the vet comes in the exam room...
sees the dog...looks at me....then back at the dog...
and says,"are you Catsinger's twin sister ?...
because I know Catsinger wouldn't have a DOG...!"
in his "Ricky Ricardo" accent...
[he's the one Dearest Dragonfly once described...
as "Dr. Antonio Banderas"...he's from Argentina...]
so as I described the story of the totally uneventful meeting...
the night all the kitties...
seem to accept her with out a problem...
[even Creamer who hates everyone]
no growling...hissing...barking... etc...
no running... no hiding... no poofy tails...
he was amazed...and went from saying,
"you CAN'T have a dog with THOSE cats..."
to saying, "she sounds like the perfect dog for your house..."
she was shy of him, and he's very gentle like Mr Greenthumb...
so I picked her up and put her on the table...
as he talked to her, she relaxed & let him examine her...
interestingly... MizMinka was "spot on"...about her age and probable lineage...
she's 18 mo to almost 2 years...
whether or not she's been spayed... is not clear...
[he didn't want to freak her out,"looking"]...
she is a German Shepherd mix [probably Shar Pei...]
and she has a chipped top front right canine tooth...
Dr."A.B." said that at her age...
she didn't need more than the 7 in 1 shot...
she got at the rescue yesterday...
courtesy of Mr.GT & MM...
the vet also likes to do all the tests, vaccines, chip placement...
while they are "under" being spayed...
and since tomorrow is a full day for me...[funeral mass, etc]
a perfect time line seemed to be...
I'd take her home...
by way of the pet store...
[food, bed, collar, toys... etc]
and then bring her back to the vet's this afternoon...
around 4:30 she wouldn't be"left"... quite so soon...
while I'm really busy and won't be home anyway...
she'll be spayed, chipped ...
get her heart worm test & rabies shot...
while she's "out" he'll check on that chipped tooth...
she'll recuperate over night...
and during that time, she'll be wormed...
and given a flea/tick treatment...
I don't think she needs a bath...
besides... that would really freak her out...
then... Saturday morning... she'll come home...
so today... after all these plans were made...
we went home by way of Discount Pet...
where we got her a collar and lead...
[yes, MM... she wanted THAT color...
it looks really good on her...(wink)]
then... a bed...we found one...
that SO matches the lovely red kitty nest...
knitted for the horde by MM...
and you can insert a heater/cooler pad...
or an egg crate piece...
a dish... wet & dry dog food...
from the same company who makes my cat food[Nutro Max]...
the vet said that if you mix them...
they need to be compatible...
some dog treats...
and TOYS...
I let her[DP encourages pets inside...]sniff each choice...
and she TOLD me...[she really did...]
which ones she wanted...
the fact that they are all of the same color "palette"... ?
guilty as charged... but she DID choose them...
and she didn't like everything...
so... a lot of money later... we got home...
I brought her in... then unloaded the car...
I clipped the store tags off of her collar...
and put it on her...
she looked deep into my eyes as I told her...
"this is your home...for always..."
then she thanked me by grabbing a toy, shaking it...
and rubbing against me as she was "rohwff, rohwff-ing"...
[she does bark...if anyone comes on the porch...
she lets me know...
as soon as she knows I know...she stops...]
I laid out her bed & toys to take a picture...
and of course... THIS happened...
Lucyfur MUST know everything...
so I had handed Molly a smoked rawhide bone...
after I unwrapped it...
I had seen her go towards the fireplace with it...
and then I spotted her...
as far as I'm concerned...
a slip-covered couch makes a great dog bed...
but she wasn't there long...
when I noticed her...she came to me...
and began to inspect her new stuff...
since Lucy fur got bored and left...
I think she "took" to her new bed...
because after I had left the room....
and then returned...I found this...
[I think the caption would be,"ahhhhh....]
just like her move onto the couch...
she did this all by herself...
[notice the collar ?]
I think it's safe to say that she feels comfortable...
Molly & I would both like to thank MM & Mr GT [as well as Minka...]
for the wonderful gift of this new life together we'll have...
for without their kind-hearted concern and determination to help...
my "perfect dog" would be at the pound...waiting...
thanks, you guys... we do appreciate it...!
Ohhhh... Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!!! (Hear me bouncing??) This is so awesome!!! And I love the new collar. See? She's the perfect dog! SIGH... I love happy endings. :) My friend Katie also prayed for a peaceful night for all of you after she read my two posts about the dog. (She fosters cats.) God is good, all the time!!! Now I know why Molly was just sitting there S-T-A-R-I-N-G at me through the bedroom window yesterday morning... I think God was telling her to do so, because He had a plan. :)
...sometime...I'll "enlighten" you on ALL the "coincidences" I've experienced today...[it's been amazing...]
and not the least was when I took her back to leave her at the vet...
and I was SO worried that she would feel "abandoned", yet again...
so I prayed... and she just walked right in with the vet crying or "that" look...the one she gave you last night...
God Is Good Indeed...
all the time... ;D
BTW...there is a "matching" lead...
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