[this is actually NOT any kind of sarcasm...
you HAVE now officially heard everything...
those of you who know me...I HEAR you laughing...]
I fell asleep at the normal time last night...
[after 10...before midnight...]
but woke up several times to use the bathroom...
I had fallen asleep after dinner...
and woke up sweating... with mild stomach cramps & nausea...
[I don't think it was food poisoning...
I have a theory I'll expound at the end of this post...]
it persisted until around 9:30...when we went "out"...
she had done a b-i-g one earlier...
[about "New Hamp."...thanks for asking...]
so we went to the end of the block & back...
so she could pee...
I felt worse with every step...
but realized that what I was feeling was probably a reaction...
to all the work the chiropractor had done...
[it was a long session...& he said I might need another...]
I generally take a nap after having an adjustment...
especially if there is a lot of adjustments...
or if it's been a while since I was last there...
I didn't this time...& I think I was paying for it...
after our evening "stroll"[warp speed, of course...]
I ate a bunch of soda crackers...
which always settle my stomach...
took a decongestant...my head was throbbing...
and was soon asleep...
although it would be an "up & down" night...
[I remember hearing 1 AM... 2AM... 3AM... 3:45 AM...]
so sleeping soundly... until the soft whining woke me...
was a good thing...
since it was already quite light...
I got dressed, hit the bathroom one last time...
[all the while being serenaded by my gentle dog...
fortissimo, allegro con brio, non troppo...
which for those who don't speak music or Italian means...
HURRY THE @#$%^& UP !!!...I GOTTA GO NOW !!!]
I noticed that I had muscle tightness & soreness...
but not the burning nerve pain...
or joint pains I'd had for some time...
when you deal with chronic pain...
it's absence may go un-noticed...
because when it's gone...you don't try to recall it...
you're just grateful for the relief...
and I was...
we were off at warp speed...streaking down the sidewalk...
when we move this fast...
I really have to concentrate on not tripping...
we were to the corner where she left "Long Island" on another walk...
but not "the spot" this time...
she rounded it with only a cursory sniff...
on and around the next corner...
[it's the inner edge of the "circle"...so it's maybe 35 feet...]
and up the street...gaining speed as her urges increased...
suddenly... over halfway to the park edge...
she stops...and pees... I pant...
she takes 3 steps and dumps "NY state" on blue Prius' lawn...
and I realize that once again...I'm without a bag or even paper...
that we've been spotted by the "bad dog owner"police...
I console myself with the notion that at least it's organic...
[they have a Prius (nice idea... ugly car...)
they should be able to deal with a bit of dog poop...
OK... a LOT of dog poop...]
considering the amount of dog poop I see on these walks...
more owners don't "pick-up"...than do...
we round a couple more corners...
at a more leisurely pace...[sub-warp....]
I notice that the sun is all the way "up"...
and we arrive home...where it's breakfast time...
as she's eating, Lacy tries to go past...
and gets a soft growl...
I don't think this is any kind of food aggression...
since Lacy's been a butt to Molly...
[hissing, growling... calling vile names...although she has gotten better]
and minutes after Molly growled at her...
Lacy comes & sits right next to Molly's half-eaten food...
Molly is laying there, sees her... and says nothing...
most of the kitties seem to feel no fear...
and Molly has never made any threatening moves towards any of them...
after scarfing breakfast...
followed by the last cat food wrapped pill...
I notice that she's sitting next to me...
seemingly "focused" on something...
suspecting catly mischief...
I follow her gaze...
quickly realizing its' source...
we'll see how long the "nap" in the DR lasts...
[hopefully, the cat food will find it's intended audience...
I read somewhere that fat cells store toxins and even viruses...
I wonder if all the sudden vigorous exercise...
is causing long held fat cells...
to finally break down...
and thus release those same toxins back into my bloodstream...
causing me to feel "punk"...
the last time I was smaller/weighed less...
than where I've been for the last 6 months...
I was "burning the candle... at both ends & the middle..."
even though I was insanely busy and running all day...
my life-style was very sedentary...but high stress...
I was NOT happy...
actually...there was a lot of anger...
and frustration...
there was a LOT of pressure at work...
I was working a full-timePLUS job...
[multiple jr high performing music groups...5 "preps"]
I was a working musician with a job at a LARGE church...
an orchestra player, who "worked" the area...[1-2 hours daily practice...]
an orchestra contractor[hired & managed groups for other organizations...]
with no regular exercise... lousy eating habits...
[fast food...with high fat/high calorie...lots of red meat...]
got only 4-6 hours of sleep a night...
and lived on caffeine...
all this combined in a steady weight gain...
over the first 12 to 15 years I taught...
when I turned 50...
some of the stress changed direction...
and by the time I was diagnosed with the malignant melanoma...
in February 2000...I had started exercising & eating better...
and my weight/size was very close to where I am now...
so the fat I've carried from the "really bad" years...
is now starting to break down...
and if this theory is correct...
will flood my system with all the old...
but newly released poisons of my youth...
the only way I can think of to deal with this...
is to flush my system by drinking more & more water...
I really have to redo my eating habits...
the first weight loss came pretty easy...
moderate movement combined with much less food...
now I have much more exercise...
I need to add MORE water...
and regular healthy meals...
I take a calcium supplement...along with a joint supp....
flax seed oil & a multivitamin/mineral...
but I need to eat better things...not a lot...but regularly...
and that's hard for me...
I'm easily distracted...
then I forget...and the cycle limps along...
if I can tie some sort of schedule in with Molly's requirements...
that could work...
once I get in a routine...I do better...
part of the problem is that I absolutely relish...
the lack of a rigid schedule since my retirement...
however...it is now year 4...
so I guess I just need to get on with it...
because while it is true that any and all positive changes...
are beneficial to my quality of life...
I'm getting older... as are we all...
and my chances for success of the kind I'm seeking...
diminish greatly with each passing year...
so the time is now...
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