Friday, October 31, 2008

...avoiding doggy laringitis

it's almost 10:30 PM here in Mudville...
it's much quieter outside than earlier...
although when we went outside for a last bathroom break...
there was still a bit of activity afoot on the All Hallows Eve...

much earlier... it became abundantly clear...
even to my still drug shrouded brain...
that Mollie would go absolutely batso...
with all the noise & trick or treaters out there...

so about 5:30...

I did something that resulted in this...

[you know they're really pissed when they huddle...]

I allowed THE DOG in the inner sanctum...

she came in and hopped up on my bed....
quiet as could be...
the din from the costumed looters outside...
being accompanied by the occasional menacing growl of the "P-Oed Piglet"...

after about an hour of "togetherness"...
I went to make some toast & peanut butter...
and get some more Sprite...
there was another "stop" too..use your imagination...

I also used this moment to put down more cat food...
since Miz Vacuumouth was safely sequestered...
and when I returned to the bedroom...
the first thing I saw was their cat food dish...
on the floor...empty...
[it had been on the dresser...with some food...]

Molly was still on the bed...
trying to attain plausible deniability...
as I "informed" her of her transgression...

attempting to look ashamed...
she stayed on the bed for a while longer...
but soon moved to the floor...
until I got up to take her out one last time...

upon our return...
her disappointment at not going for a walk...
quickly turned to other venues...
as she attempted a quick slurp of cat food...

after a few more admonitions from me...
and a few "subtle" reminders that she has her own food...
she scarfed it down quickly...had a drink...
and is now laying here...
keeping her eye on the cat food...

I'm going to put the cat food in the microwave...
and then go to bed...
because every part of me hurts...
& the instructions say "no aspirin" for 10 days...

they lied to me...

actually, I asked about...
no aspirin for 10 days before...
no problem... they said...
they didn't tell me it was for 10 days after...
that I was going to have to go "cold turkey"...
[no Advil either...]

and, of course... I have NO Tylenol...
except with the buffered aspirin in the Excedrin...

maybe tomorrow...

unless I can't sleep tonight...

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