I took out the trash...and cleaned the cat boxes...
stripped my bed... started the laundry...
then dug out my flannels...
to remake my bed for the cooler weather...
I like to use the orange flannels first...
switching to the red for December-February...
and then the yellow for the cool spring months...
I also have an orange comforter...
that's not as warm as the big white one...
which needs to be dry-cleaned before winter...
I also swapped out my warm weather crocks...
for some lined ones I just got...
[cool how the orange lining matches my bed...]
I use them as slippers...
I got some fleece-lined ones last year...
that I'll use when it gets really cold...
these are good for transitional wear...
so anyway... there I was, working away...
cat boxes...done...
laundry...in process...
and as I sleuth around on the Internet...
determined to find out if the Chorbajian piece we're doing...
is "POP"[permanently out of print] or if s.m.com...
doesn't have their "act together"...[which I suspect...]
I hear some strange "mumbling" noises coming from the LR...
I've heard ...what I think...
were a couple of "play charges" from Molly...
the last day or so... and then cats come flying past...
I think she must have played with a cat...[in a past life...]
and wants to play now...
but mine have NEVER had a canine to play with...
so they don't understand what she wants to do...
and get scared...
so when I heard the playful sounding muttering...
I went to investigate...
then got my camera...
what I saw was Molly...crouched playfully...
talking to Sneaky Pie...who was a safe distance away...
by the time I got back...
they were feigning indifference to each other...
Molly even pretended that the object of her affection...
was the pig's ear I had given her to chew on...
[notice who's watching with rapt attention...]
pretty soon...that gets old...
and pitiful puppy posing becomes the modus operandi...
[yep... SPie is STILL hanging around...]
so after moving laundry around...
I come back to my desk to find...
that my chair has been infested...
after an inordinate amount of attention...
even for her...I think she's serious about that "song"...
[she is jealous of Minka, because there is no song titled...
"Lovely Sneaky Pie"...actually, she's pissed...big time...
her eyes are green for good reason...]
she decides to move her pity party to the floor...
and drown her fit of pique, in crunchies...
this actually allows me to get some more work done...
eventually being drawn to the mumblings again...
and what do I find ?
more pig's ear chewing...
loudly... gleefully...
all being played for an audience of one...
see her in the doorway ?
these two are going to become allies...
partners in crime...
fellow felons...
I can just feel it coming...
and when they join forces...
I WILL be toast...
as will Thomas...
and any other fool that dares to stand in the way...
of SPie's plan for world domination...[she'll accept Molly as her "minion"...]
maybe if I write a "Sneaky is Great & Beautiful" song...
I can postpone Armageddon for a few more days...
I'll have to work on that...
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