[this morning...2:06 AM...]
her[pitifully] : "whine, whine, whine..."
me [groggily] : "go back to sleep..."
[repeat several times until I'm actually awake...]
she hasn't done this before...
so I get up, throw on clothes...
come out of the bedroom...
where she's in the hall...
whining & crying..."I need to go out...NOW !"
so I grope for the lead & after fumbling with the door...
the dog, who's need is urgent...
the big collar that runs into everything...
finally manage to stumble out into the cold night air....
we hurry down the porch steps...
and she squats on the first available patch of grass...
that out of the way...
she'd love a walk...
but I'm NOT walking anywhere at 2 AM...
especially not in Mudville...
not without an armed escort, 3 Ninjas and a tank...
so we come back in...after she slurps a lot of water...
from the bowl I left out on the porch...
I'm thinking,"swell...I'll have to be back out here again at 5 AM..."
[it was more like 7...]
I would later bring that water bowl in...
since she drank from it every time she went out...
and once...she went out, just to get a drink...
her bowl of choice, right ?... uhhh, wrong...
the moment I set it down in the house...not interested...
and when she went outside...
she would still go to the spot & look for it...
[and I thought only cats were that goofy...
opps... "Goofy" is a dog...hummm...]
so I'd noticed that she seemed to have pain when she needed to go...
especially the last 18 hours or so...
and she was scratching at the incision with her back foot...
she was also spending a lot of time...
in contortions...trying to lick her "hinter regions"
[probably the incision...but she could only reach her butt...]
I noticed that her back foot had irritated her side...
trying to get to the incision...
but she didn't want to be "left" this morning...
so I took her with me to the church...
and she lay under the table in the choir room...
as I assembled music...
she had jumped up into the car & climbed into the back...
and hopped out...
easily climbing all the steps it takes to get "downstairs"...
as I worked... I did notice her spending a lot more time on "dog yoga"...
and she must have scraped the incision with the collar edge...
because when I was ready to leave...
I noticed that there were several irritated places...
and her tummy felt hot and looked swollen...
I looked at the clock & saw that it was "lunch time"...
so I decided to go home...
and then go back to the vet's...
when I knew the doctor would be there, in about an hour...
she climbed into the car OK...
and when we got home, got out...
took care of business...
and ate a few bites...
but when it was time to go back to the vet...
she had to be helped into the car...
and she perched in the driver's seat... not moving...
after she was encouraged...she moved to the back...
I could see that the incision site looked nasty...
so we got in at the vet before anyone else...
which was good because by now she's dripping from her incision...
the doctor said that it had become infected...
from the collar edge rubbing it...
so they will sedate her...
open it... flush it... re-suture it...
give her an antibiotic shot...
and bandage it this time...
she'll be staying overnight...
so they'll give her her first heart worm pill...
I had been waiting for her to settle down...
& start eating normally... so she wouldn't barf it up...
this way... they'll know if it stays down...
what amazes me is how happily she goes into the vet's...
most animals HATE going there...
I think that Molly's smart enough to know who her friends are...
who's trying to help her when she needs help...
because even though she's still shy around the vet...
she seems to really like the girls who work there...
and they seem to like her...
so leaving her there isn't traumatic...
I consider that a real blessing...
she's been SO good about NOT "going" inside...
I'm hoping that the infection...
was the cause of all the complaining last night/early this AM...
it was really insistent... and LOUD !
although I have had to clean up dog barf, several times...
[it's somewhat worse than cat barf...]
and until early this morning...
she hadn't woke me up...needing to go out...
she would wait until she heard or saw me...
then walk to the door, turn and look at me...
since yesterday, she'd been more insistent...
and she became really clingy & vocal ...
I'm hoping it was also due to the pain from the incision...
and the infection which had to be bothering her by then...
but besides the infection drama...
she and several kitties have touched noses today...
I just haven't been quick enough with the camera to catch it yet...
at the rate that they're progressing in this "love fest"...
we'll have some neat sleeping together pictures soon...
Sneaky Pie has already figured out...
that when Thomas is being a butt...
[his default mode towards her...]
if she goes and "hangs" with Molly...
Thomas is thwarted...
because he hasn't found the nerve yet...
to annoy her around the dog...
Gracie saw the "writing on the wall"...
and is making friends too...
as have Mattie, Frick, Mack, Lucyfur and Cagney...
Creamer has taken advantage of Molly's presence...
to have a freer rein than she might have had...
since Gracie is a bit preoccupied these days...
especially when it gets colder...
more of the little heat seeking opportunists will discover her...
and there will be "mounds o'fur" in front of the fire...
I guess she's seeing them as her "pack"...
just too funny...
she should come home tomorrow AM...
with antibiotics...
it will seem so strange to walk without her this evening...
I'm almost over being sore...
I'm just glad I caught this before it got really bad...
or the vet was closed...
[the emergency vet costs 4xs as much...]
so for you "friends of Molly" out there...
[especially the "God-parents"...]
don't worry...she's in "Good Hands"[as you know...]
and the vet's good too...
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