looking for clues as to what city maintenance project...
was so rudely & loudly launched in my neighborhood at 1:04 AM...
and at the circle, we discovered this, newly marked...
farther around...another one...trailing water...
then one in the middle of the street...
and then... several gutters still wet...
and full of sandy mud...
I had a really good picture that got obscured...
when a purple dog leash suddenly...
got pulled in front of the lens...
so this one will have to do...
there were at least 4 or 5 gutters...
full of this sandy, muddy mess...
most much worse than this...
with mud a good 4 feet into the street...
I know I heard pneumatic sounds...
maybe they were cleaning out the storm drains...
perhaps what I heard was a compressor...
shooting water into the drains...
or the clean-out valves...
I've lived here 20 years...
and NEVER heard anything like that...
at that hour...
if they come back tonight...
I'll be ready with my camera...
BTW... Blogger is STILL uploading images in reverse order...
the "done" page shows the order you select them in...
the "preview" shows them uploaded in reverse order...
maybe the city guys could come and "ream out" Blogger...
I'd gladly pay overtime to see that...
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