I have an appointment at 2:30 with my Dr...
the 2 phone calls it took...
[I was "dropped" after almost 7 minutes, on the 1st one...]
were made half asleep in an attempt to get in today...
& to not have to wait until tomorrow, or worse...
putting any pressure on the 3rd [or 4th] finger...
results in big time "unpleasantness"...
and I'm NOT looking forward to them being manipulated...
squeezed, prodded, poked & possibly yanked-on, again...
[I think it looks crooked... again...]
I have a lot of things to do that requires 2 hands...
before the bathroom remodel begins Jan. 6...
and at the moment...I can't do anything...
I had a good meal last night because Miz Minka & Mr Greenthumb ...
took pity on me & invited me over for supper...
I have a goodly supply of their delicious Christmas dinner leftovers...
in my 'fridge...but I can't open the containers...
well...I probably could get them open...
but the ensuing pain makes me loose my appetite...
which sort of defeats the purpose...
and just the simplest food prep, like making a sandwich...
is beyond me...I almost had to ask someone to cut my meat last night...
I have dishes to wash, a kitchen to clean...
cat boxes to clean, cat food to buy...
vacuuming & laundry, plants to water...
etc., etc., etc...
so I'm hoping for good news from the Dr. today...
at this point, a hard cast or splint would be welcome...
at least them I could do somethings that need doing...
I need my hand back... & my life...
I am working on my attitude at the moment...
I'm sure that God has it all under control...
now I need to rein in my feelings...
& be thankful... NOT easy, but I'm working on it...
I'm sure that there's a lesson here...
I just don't know what it is...yet...
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