the contract is signed...the check written...
the cost for labor/construction materials is $17,500.00...
Mr.GC[general contractor], put into the contract...
that I'm not responsible for any more material costs...
beyond an additional $1500.00...
the "custom shower door" will be from $800-1200...
and then there's the tile I don't yet have...
there were a couple of bonuses today...
it was raining too hard to leave Molly in the back...
so she was inside when he came...
& she went bonkers over him...
not only did she NOT bark at him even once...
she wanted him to pet her and she rubbed against him...
like she'd known him all her life...
so that's a real plus...
he also plugged my outdoor extension cord...
into the outdoor outlet...
I was having trouble seeing where to put it...
& pushing in the plug...
so he assisted me in getting my "glow" on...
the starting date is Tuesday, Dec.30...
so I can get the kitties into the vet on Monday, Dec.29...
I'll leave Molly there the first day or so too...
depending on the way things go with the demo...
I may end up camping out somewhere that night...
there will be a time when the floor is gone, completely...
and since the lead flange/cast iron collar is to be replaced...
the toilet will be pushed back about 2-3 inches...
and flush with the wall...
this means a new plumbing connection under the floor...
combine this with the tub removal...
and the under layment for the shower...
as well as the sub floor repair & closing off the crawl space...
I may not be have a toilet for a night, if things line up wrong...
but I'm not going to worry about that now...
I'm really looking forward to getting the "bathroom"...
out of the boxes in the dining room...
and getting my dining room back
and taking my first relaxing hot shower, in a clean place...
with a toilet that doesn't rock if Gracie jumps on it...
God is Good... all the time...
Congratulations! Finding a contractor who likes cats and has Molly's approval was worth the wait, I'd say. :)
...thanks...& you're so right...he's such a nice guy...the tile guy too...
definitely worth the wait...
everything just seems so easy compared to the "negotiations" I had before with the other guys....
hmmmmmmm.... ;D
did you notice...the final deadline is Feb 14...although he doesn't think it will be more than a month...
if all goes well, even less... :D
Hey, glad to hear that things are finally getting started on that project! Hope that you are enjoying the weather, it is quite dry here in the desert.'s NOT dry here...we just finished a men's rehearsal at the church [for L&C] and Mr Greenthumb & I weresheltering under the outside stairs, waiting for BLT who went back downstairs to turn off the heat...
we were only there a couple of minutes, but it was dry...the walk to the cars wasn't...
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