Wednesday, December 24, 2008

...fowl tenore 0-dark:30 AM....

since I've been verbally trashing Unkle Phil's flamingi...
he decided to give me "round 5", which I must have "skipped"...
in the form of "other flying critters"...
[his words Santa... the coal goes in his stocking...]

of course, it's NEON...

first glimpsed by a sore, groggy me at 7:30 AM...

from inside the DR, looking out the French door windows...
at the gaudy mess "seasonal lighted accessory"...
that was hanging, AND "blinking" from my front porch...

after dressing quickly...

I followed the trail....

to this garish, thing...

which has blinked on HIS house several times...
and was currently lowering MY property value...

of was raining...AND there was a nasty cold wind...
but I messed with it until it's evil tentacles were ripped from my porch...

and it was returned to it's one true tacky home....

in front of Unkle Phil's house...
plugged in & flashing "seasonal kitch" for all to see...

and my house was once again free of the sinister tenore "decorating touches"...

I want to know how Molly who BARKS at anything that moves...
let him get away with took some time and effort ...
to remove the 2 hanging geranium baskets...
hang the neon monstrosity...which is 2 parts...
ungainly & heavy, to boot...

I guess the real question might be...
how did I manage to get it down by myself...

perhaps all that tackiness gave me the strength of 10...

just you wait... you sneaky tenor...

I'll go for the soft underbelly... heh, heh, heh...

1 comment:

unklephil said...

Molly sat in the window eyeing me quizzically while I helped decorate her house. Now I know why you call her your "watch" dog!