I "worked" it in the shower[won't be able to say that much longer...]
I can't move the top joint at all unless I really hurt myself...
but the middle joint, though very stiff & SORE, will bend on command...
so today, I'm going "commando" in an attempt to get things done...
my motivations include...
part de-cluttering...
[thanks to MM for today's "inspirational post"...]
part..."tomorrow is trash day"...
part... nothing has been "done" since last Sat. AM
[when I dislocated my finger...]
part...the demo starts on TUESDAY....
part...I'm having company on Saturday...
so to get rid of this...
I first have to empty & move things...
such as these...
I was clever enough to insert baskets in the cubbies...
that can be removed with the contents intact...
but then, I need to sort the contents...
the medicine chest contents need further purging...
as does the under the sink "collection"...
since I want to save this and reuse it...
it has to be removed by me...BEFORE Tuesday AM...
probably leaving a hole like this...
this has to be moved into the DR, as does the screen behind it...
the stepladder coat rack will go...
[coats in closet...]
and the box on the floor will go to the DR too...
I have a cluttered kitchen & dishes to wash...
as well as a stove to clean & declutter...
[it looked great even a couple of weeks ago...]
then I got busy...let it "go"...
then hurt myself...and now...
the LR needs vacuuming, straightening & pet bed washing...
also pet debris "wrangling"...
the slip cover needs to be washed too...
Molly likes to roll around on the sofa...
mostly on her back...totally un-tucking the slipcover...
but then, that's not the only mess she makes...
it WAS an "angel wing" begonia...
then there are the cases/bags of cat/dog food...
that I need to get to take to the vet's with them on Monday...
and I need to get a half dozen boxes from the vet...
for transporting kitties...
now I need to get to the store...
to get what I need for tonight's festivities...
my finger's really stiff again...and cold...
maybe some "Deep Heat" and a wrap...
it's puffed-up like a sausage...
there's always another challenge...