Saturday, November 15, 2008

...the "Zo" is in the building

so after fooling around on Facebook until I was yawning...
had a headache from laughing at the dumb stuff I was doing...
the dog was doing the "I gotta go out NOW 2-step"...
I pried myself away from the computer to take her out & go to bed...

it has been a l-o-n-g and stressful day...
and I'd had enough silliness and drama for a while...
the chiropractic adjustment requires me to sleep it off...
and I'm bleary-eyed...and all day...
I expected to see some form of delivery guy bring my "Zo"...

so as I opened the door at 11:45 to take Molly out...
what did I trip over ? ...the Zo...
parked right in front of my door...
that must have been what she was going mildly insane about...
around 9:30 or so...[a bit late for a delivery...]

I took Molly "out"...we came back...
I schlepped the box inside...

and opened it...

"tah-dah"...the "mighty Zo"...

some of it's attributes...

and more...even than this...

but I'm tired & going to bed...

at least it's here...

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