I also took my SD 1000...
at first I tried to use the XSi in "manual"...
you haven't seen any of those picts...
because they were WAY over exposed...
a couple were..."eeeh"..
most were..."YUCK"...
but I didn't know that until I put them on my computer...
[I went out again to take the ones I posted...]
I also took these shots with the SD 1000...
most are either digi-mac [if extreme close-ups]...
just "macro" if close-up...
or "infinity"...if a scenic shot...
I really like this spider web...
I look forward to getting enough "chops" on the XSi...
to be able do these kinds of close-ups...
this is a "macro shot" of the same place...
I have dozens of shots of barks now...
I'm planning a whole retrospective on bark texture...
this...is just a teaser...
I consider myself very fortunate to live in a neighborhood...
that has so many old trees...with large, interesting trunks...
cool bark patterns and assorted scars and markings...
and of course, it's still "fall"...
and the combination of azure blue skies, fall foliage...
and the angle of the light...even at mid-day...
is absolutely breath-taking at times...
sometimes, though...the light is NOT your friend...
these berries got a tad "washed-out"...
but nothing a little "editing"...
of the "color saturation" & brightness couldn't cure...
they were red...now they're RED...
and that's a good thing...
at first...I thought..."why do they have a plastic flower on their hedge?"
then I saw that there were other blossoms not yet open...
I have NO idea what it is...
I've never seen anything like it before..
[help, Mr GT !...what is it ?]
while I was taking this picture...
I made the acquaintance of the nice guy...
who lives in the house I was standing in front of...
he had just taken a picture of those trees at their peak...
the day before and asked me about the XSi...
as he was in the "market" for a digital SLR...
we discussed the XTi on sale in Costco...
and how it compared to the XSi...
[about 12 points lower on CR's scale...
they have the XSi as a "best buy"...]
eventually, he went on about his day...
I went on my way...
"click-click fever" in full sway...
[it's an incurable disease...
the only treatment...? MORE pictures...]
I can tell you what the mystery flower is: it's a passion flower (Passiflora species). They come in many different colors. You can do a Google image search and see other varieties.
...forgive me for doubting your flora expertise...
I really thought it was fake at first glance... too "perfect"...almost plastic...
thanks...! :D
Click click fever indeed! And you have a very artistic eye. With that camera you can do great things. You didn't mention (or I missed it) whether moving Molly's bed fixed the "misplaced peeing" incident with Mackie.
...thanks for the kind words...
you should check out some of Miz Minka's pictures...
I am in awe of her skills & her eye... she has some really cool ones that will appear on her blog in the next few weeks...
...she's the one who had suggested moving the dog's bed...
so Molly wouldn't be so territorial...
and it seems to have worked well...
I haven't seen Mackie pee outside the box since... & I've seen him use it several times...
Mackie & Molly were rubbing heads with each other earlier today... always a good sign... :D
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