firmly around the strings of my heart...
but I've been so involved in doggy cuteness lately...
that I've grievously slighted the felines...
that I so dearly love... & live to serve...
I began to realize the error of my ways on Friday...
as I watched Miz Minka, camera in hand, take shot after shot...
of endearing kitty cuteness...
maybe she inspired me...or perhaps encouraged them...
'cause ever since...every time I turn around...
there seems to be another feline cuteness moment...
just waiting for posterity...
so I give you....
"Kitty Cuteness"...[MM...these are for you...;D]
Miz Cagney...doing her best "Minka" impression...
[of cat bedmaking for the camera...]
in the nest MM knitted and Cags has taken as her own...
Gracie & Lucyfur do get along...
as long as each girl gets her own way...
these next 3 shots happened within a period of 30 minutes...
first we have Frick, Mattie & Murphy Brown...
on the cat bed on the coffee table...
[close to the fireplace...]
then after Molly & I went walking...
someone had been added...
now we have Frick, Murphy Brown, Mattie & Charlie...
[I didn't pose them...besides, cats don't do "posing"]
so I go into the office & return in minutes...
to find this...
Charlie has changed ends [more cushion ?]...
and is snuggled next to Frick, Murphy Brown & Mattie...
BTW... I can see them from my chair...
and in 30 minutes... they haven't moved...
even when Molly was yipping at her pig's ear...
& trying to play "chase" with Sneaky Pie...
who is currently perched on the back of my chair...
looking like a furry gargoyle...
all in all...
a typical relaxing Sunday afternoon...
here in "kitty city"...
Waaaaay cute! I hope to have some time soon (maybe later this evening) to get those kitty pictures from Friday off my camera... Stay tuned. :)
...waiting with baited breath...
[I suppose that should be cat food baited breath...]
however, as much as you have to do...
take your time [and a breath or two...] I'm retired & have lots of time... ;D
whenever you post it, will be fine with me...
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