on one hand he seems stronger and less confused...
on the other, he feels thin today...
today he's eaten... when offered food...
and made a trek to the cat box...
he's also washed himself a number of times...
and the snowy white paws have emerged from the grimy ones...
after sleeping on the top level of a cat tree...
for most of the afternoon, anyway...
Mackie descended to the 2nd level, getting my attention..
so after giving Molly a bone to chew...
I fed the kitties and scooped out a tablespoonful for Mack...
I carried it in...offered it to him...
he sniffed it... then sniffed again...
and just like he had done twice earlier...
he began to eat...& ate almost all of it...
when he'd had enough...he retreated "up"...
hoping to avoid the meds...& water to follow...
once there...he washed himself...
and kept a close eye on me...
his senses were accurate...because I did grab him...
bringing him back down to give the meds & water...
which he tries to spit out...& then sits drooling...
as soon as he was composed again...up he went...
letting me know that he "was NOT pleased"...
and would I PLEASE.. now leave him alone for a while...
then he made himself as small as possible...
good night Mackie...sleep well & hang in there...
a lot of people are praying for you...
so do your part and let yourself get better...
God is good...ALL the time...
thanks again so much...
to all you kind-hearted souls...
who are praying for us...
we do appreciate it...
Still praying... I'm hoping it's something treatable. Here is an article about liver disease in cats, for what it's worth. Your vet probably already told you about all the options.
Let me know if the link doesn't work, and I can email it instead.
...thanks for the link...& you're right..we have discussed options...
the truth be told, as the article stated...liver disease in cats is hard to diagnose since most symptoms are also present in other diseases...
starting to eat & NOT barfing...
a VERY good sign...
thanks so much for your prayers...
I can feel God enfolding me and showing me reasons to hope for the best... and Mackie isn't depressed anymore either...so keep praying...
good things are happening :)
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