this morning after he came in for breakfast on his own [8:30]...
we left Mackie, on the cat tree, honing his cuteness "chops"...
throughout the day...I'd seen him asleep in the sun, on the tree...
this afternoon, as I was taking out trash, etc...
I came back in around 1:45...and he wasn't there...
so I looked in the office...
and there he was...bright eyed & busy tailed...
sitting on a bucket of kitty litter...
when he saw me coming, he started the "Mom...I'm starving routine..."
and I was so pleased to find & open a can of his favorite...
I put it down & he started right in...
I put the rest down and sat back, watching...
to make sure Molly didn't swipe any of it...
suddenly, I saw him do something that Piglet used to do...
when she had those lesions in her mouth...
he stepped back from the food...started working his jaws & tongue...
as if something icky or burn-y was in his mouth...
made a few "gaaack-ing" noises, just like Piglet did...
took a "moment" to gather "himself"...
then went back to eating...
[Piglet generally didn't...]
he makes the same noises & actions...
when I try to get the meds in him...
spitting, gaaacking...
drooling and nastiness...
the antibiotic for the bacterial infection...
associated with the lesions is pretty nasty...
and I don't want to give it to him if he has liver issues...
I know he has mouth issues...I didn't see lesions...
but they could be there anyway...
I'll make sure I let the vet know...
I want him to stabilize & get as close to normal as he can...
before I stress him out by going to the vet again...
and since lesions, if that's what he has...
are an immune system deficiency problem...
it might explain some of his weird blood panels...
I just know that my buddy is feeling better by the hour...
and showing it... !
God is SO good...ALL the time...
post script... it's just after 5 PM...
and Mackie "ambled" in again to have a few bites...
he's walking quite normally now...
rear end still seems a bit weak though...
it just gets better and better...
Yes, Catsinger, God IS good..all the time! I was so happy to read about Mackie's wonderful progress. I'll keep praying..he is such a cute little guy! Keep up those happy updates!
...thanks M&CM...for all your kind words & prayers... :D
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