when I got home from the EVC last night...
I found this big, heavy box on my porch...
[no...it wasn't opened...I did that inside...
with a great deal of "help" from Sneaky Pie...]
at first... I was disappointed that it wasn't the mighty "Zo"...
[as the KAF blogger calls it...]
so I left it to be unpacked today...
and this morning...as I got into it...
my enthusiasm began to ramp up...
here were the storage containers & proofing bucket...
that I would need...
as well as the obvious...
and the, "not-so-obvious"...
but extremely necessary to me, ingredients...
as well as...
more "staples"...
and basic necessities for bread making...
avec ou sans le machine...
[WHY ? ... am I speaking French all of a sudden...?...
je ne sais quoi...]
and then, this...
was "on sale"...
I can think of one [maybe 2 ?] person[s] who are happy to see this...
hummm... maybe... I should have bought more than one...
[what recipe makes only 12 mini cheesecakes at a time ?]
I DO have a "10% off your next order coupon..."
I'll have to think about that...
of course...I don't have a scone pan...
and I got this...
hummm...where did I put that coupon... ?
and finally... there are these...
they work for machines or by hand...
but I'm waiting for my "mighty Zo"...
these are the mixes I have MM...
wanta trade any for a recipe or two ?
[of course... I have more than one of each...
why would you even need to ask ? [wink, wink...]
post scipt...
MM if I understood your comment you want this...
if I am missing your point...clarify, s'il-vouz plas...
OK... Can you please edit your post (since comments don't allow embedding of links) to add the LINK of origin to this cornucopeia of bread-machine baking goodies?? :)
...est fini !
sehr gut ?
seriously ...I will gladly trade for a recipe or two...
[they are giving 21% off until 11/21... so I got more cheesecake pans & a scone pan... ;d...yum...]
Ah, King Arthur! I might have known. Thanks for the link! :)
All my favorite recipes come from the book "Bread Machine: How to prepare and bake the perfect loaf" by Jennie Shapter. You can find it on Amazon. JS has a bunch of other books, don't know how good they are. The things I like about this book is not only the great recipes (ingredients given for three different sizes of machine), good trouble shooting advice, huge variety of recipes including "real" breads (i.e., finished the conventional way), but especially that it's paper back, lies flat when open, and the paper is a heavy, semi-glossy stock (i.e., spilled flour etc. cleans off easily). :) FWIW.
Happy Baking! :)
...sounds really good... I have a Monastary Bread Baking book[also one for soups]... they are WAY cool... bits of spirituality mixed in...
I think you might enjoy looking at them...I just like reading them..
I'll order the Shapter book from Amazon...
thanks so much for your advice...feel free to add more at any time...
oh...and FWIW [?]...
enlightenment please...
I haven't a clue...[Fun With Intermediate Weavils...?]
FWIW = for what it's worth!
[and yes, I can hear you laughing...]
I may not BE a dork...
but sometimes I portray one in the blogosphere...
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