a snuggy fire...
an NCIS marathon on TV...
me in my rocking chair, surrounded by camera manuals...
and sleeping kitties...
well, except for Sneaks, who's on the prowl...
and Gracie, who knows a lap when she sees one...
I finally figured out how to turn that pesky flash, off...
I had the rapid shoot until I did something & lost it again...
but I found the "kids & pets" mode...
which lets me turn off the flash...
set the ISO on HI, & leave it there...
and set the macro, on...
allowing me to take 262 shots...
[mostly blurry ones of Sneaky's butt...]
to net these 15, not in MM's class...
but not bad for a beginner...
[or maybe it's just dumb luck...
and the old "blind squirrel in the forest" routine...]
the herd... at home on a chilly evening...
[I've numbered them...leave your choice captions...
in the comments box...
mine are in the 3rd comment...]
Those are great!!! Loved especially no. 3, 6, and the last one! :D
If I weren't so braindead from a Hellgebra overdose, I'd try to come up with a caption for the last one -- I love the mischievous expression. :)
..."great minds"...#s 3 & 6 are my favorites too...the last one is "my friend Frickie"...& what you see as "mischievous"...
is probably distrust...with a whopping
dose of "get that #$%^& camera out of my face"... ;D
my caption for #5 would be a total steal from you..."pawnography"
feel free to caption at any time your brain returns... :D
my captions...
#1."in the jungle, the mighty jungle..."
#2. "NOOO ! she said THAT?"
#3. "it is GOOD...to be King..."
#4. the 4 Meow-cat-eers
#5. "paw-nography"[blatantly purloined from Miz Minka's blog...]
#6. "it is better...to be Queen..."
#7. "methinks the dog is afoot"...
#8. "resistance... is futile..."
#9. "crashing sound ? I didn't hear anything..."
#10. "she, who must be adored..."
#11. "hiding in plain sight..."
#12. "...and don't you forget it !"
#13. "Mom... let me be..."
#14. "uh oh..."
#15. "take just one more step..."
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