after spending the balance of the afternoon here...
I went to Mackie, gathered him up...
tried to interest him in food & water, to no avail...
and finally just sat in my rocking chair with him...
holding him close...petting and talking to him...
trying to keep from dissolving into tears...
as they were edging out of my eyes and trickling down my cheeks...
I could tell that he was really into it...
he was almost purring & would snuggle in closer...
he's always been my cuddle buddy...
every morning, when I was in the bathroom...
he'd come in, hop up on the edge of the tub...
and talk to me with his head cocked just a bit to the side...
that was my cue to pet him...admire his fluffy tail...
the one black toe on his otherwise snowy white paws...
his bright green eyes & long silky fur...
it hasn't been a week yet since the last time he did that...
this guy is weak & confused...
not the literally, "bright eyed & bushy tailed" kitty...
the Mackie I knew up until last Thursday evening...
the Mackie who darted outside to frolic just last week...
only to be captured like a drunken sailor on shore leave...
rolling in his intoxicated bliss on the patio next to the catnip...
he's only just 10...& I was hoping for several more good years...
but God is good... ALL the time...
and my well as my heart are in His hands...
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart...
and lean not on your own understanding...
in all your ways, acknowledge Him...
and He will direct your paths..."
[Proverbs 3 : 5-6]
"the Lord giveth...the Lord taketh away...
blessed be the name of the Lord..."
They're never with us long enough... (*crying at the sadness of it all*)
...I truly appreciate your "heart"... & way with words...
most certainly *grace*...expressed...
thank you...
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