now sans fangs...and hopefully SOON...sans lesions...
the vet techs were REALLY glad to see me...
[NOT always a good sign...
if one of your "darlings" has been there long enough...
to "wear out" their welcome...]
"M" went out of his way to say that Piglet was "nice" to him...
[I later found out she had scratched him...]
so after I paid the $400+ bill [sigh]...
[actually a bit surprised that it wasn't more...]
the other 2 vet techs were discussing
who was going to "put her in the box"...
part of the discussion involved her current lack of teeth...
but willingness to gash with her claws, when pissed off...
"N" lost the "discussion" she went to get Pigs...
while I was waiting... the Dr... came to chat...
and I found out that the dentist...was a real people dentist...
[I had thought that the bill was pretty low...
for one of those UCD specialist vets to have been involved...]
he went on to tell me about all the tubes and equipment...
that his dentist friend [who ALWAYS wanted to be a vet...]
had brought with him and had used on Piglet...
[the dentist had called them today to see how Piglet was...
because he "always calls his patients to follow up"...]
my vet's father & brother are dentists...
so he went on to tell me about how there are many similarities...
between humans & cats...dentally speaking, of course...
and since he & his staff were handling the anesthesia...
and vital signs monitoring which is very different...
Piglet had gotten the best of both worlds...
about then... "N" brought her out, in the carrier box...
with the not so muted growling & threatening noises...
quite clearly audible...[she was obviously pissed...]
THEN... one of the techs told me...
as she handed me the bottle & oral syringe...
"this pain med will make her sleepy & a bit "unsteady"..
so she should stay inside for the next 5-7 days...
while she's taking it..."
"...and continue with the anti bacterial med drops...
until they're gone..."
she said it so calmly... so "it's NOT a big thing"...
& that's when my life "flashed before my eyes"...
promising to bring her back in 2 weeks for a check-up...
& apologizing for all the VERY nasty cat language...
that continued to issue forth from the box...
unabated by propriety...
I took "Miz Crankypants" out to the car...
sure that they were all high-5-ing...
and celebrating her departure back in the office...
["ding-dong, that cat is gone..."]
& all the while...
STILL being called a number of unrepeatable nasty names...
when we got IN the car...she stopped...
and only gave me the minimal,"aren't we there YET ?"
comments for the trip home...
as soon as I got her out of the box....
she was at the window...a bit unsteady from the meds...
which were wearing off and wanting OUT...NOW !!!
Fluff was in her corner nest, rolling her eyes at Miz Dramaqueen...
[Fluff, you may remember has only 1 tooth...a front fang...
which I could see as she was smirking at Piglet's hysterics...]
since they told me to give her her meds fairly soon...
[and the pain meds would make her sleepy...]
I did just that...
.5CC of the pain meds [orally] & a dropperful of the anti bacterial...
after about 3 or 4 minutes...
she was mellowing out...
and then...nighty-night...
5 to 7 days of NO outside ?
they said it would be no less than 3 or 4...
she has to take the pain meds at least that long...
and they will make it NOT safe for her to "prowl" at will...
why do I have this "oh,no" feeling... ?
A sleepy Piglet is a good Piglet. :) She can dream of Outside while safely snuggling on your bed. I say: thank goodness the pain meds make her sleepy! hit the nail on the head... which is why I have so cleverly spaced out the sleeping...
uh...PAIN meds.... ;)
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