Piglet...this morning...
employing the feline "cloaking device"...
[ie...if I don't acknowledge you...
you can't see me...(huh ?)]
well... I was ready today...
when she made her 4 PM appearance...
and closed the window...
before she could vanish into the yard...
Fluff, who was already in ...
and actively lobbying for more food...
didn't care one bit...
that the window was closed...
and...to give Piglet credit...
as soon as she saw that she was "toast"...
she feigned indifference...
and proceeded to stuff her face...
eating what Fluff had left...
and then cleaning up another can...
[Fancy Feast cans ARE small...]
after Fluff had licked off the gravy...
[that cat has radar for the whoosh of a can lid being popped...]
then... she settled in for a nap...
making quite a production of stretching...
yawning... and personal hygiene...
[ie butt bathing...]
all the while...keeping a bit of a distance...
letting me know... that she knew...
just what I had done...
and that I WOULD pay... and dearly, too...
she did make a brief case for freedom around dark...
standing in the window, sniffing the night air...
and twitching her tail...
but was too "cool" to say more than the slightest hint...
of a request...
then, just as quick...
as if the very idea of being "out" bored her...
she went back to sleep...
I'm not gloating openly...
tomorrow is another day...
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