and upon my return...I didn't see the Piglet...
she HAD been sleeping ON my bed...
or reclining on the headboard...
but now... she was not visible...
I looked under the DVD player in the TV cabinet...
no Piglet...
hoping that she wasn't under the bed...
or worse... had managed to escape...
I first examined the screens for a "breech point"...
but there was none...
just before crawling around to look under the bed...
I looked into the dark cubbie on the side of the headboard...
I thought I saw something and looking closer...
there she was...
looking sleepy...
during these moments of insecurity...
I had been calling Pigs...
thoroughly annoying the Fluffinator...
who had made a point of hisssing at Pigs with every opportunity...
and had "removed" herself to her nice weather condo...
[when the windows stay open all day & night...]
in the corner between the west & north windows...
thus avoiding the Piglet nest-theft power play...
so...having found the Piglet...
I sought to "mend a few fences" by playing "up" to Fluff...
[she knows what I'm up to...
but she is such an attention junkie...
she doesn't care...]
so as I'm talking to Fluff...
and she's posing...
first in the window...
[the "fresh air" look...]
in the meantime... Piglet moves to a softer nest...
[probably also hoping to get a rise out of Fluff...]
and remains alert for "developments"...
oblivious to all this "drama"...
Fluff adjourns to her nest...
to treat me to her full arsenal...
the "come hither"...
"I'm ready for my close-up"...
& the "I'm just too cute for words"... pose...
fully aware that Fluff is getting ALL the attention...
she turns around... for the full effect...
hoping that pitiful will trump cuteness...
looking groggy and ever so pitiful...but brave...
Piglet is successful in regaining my attention...
and Fluff turns her back in a full-on sulk...
around here ... there is NEVER a dull moment...
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