and a lovely Dos Equis amber...
I found myself in the bathroom...
since I hadn't bothered to turn on the overhead light...
[there is a night light...]
I only realized something was "amiss"...
when I felt it with my foot...
thinking at first that it was a towel...
I reached down and found this...
[easy to see AFTER the light was on...]
then I looked to the right and saw this...
at that time...I had several visitors...
but I KNEW who was guilty...
she was sitting on the sink...
avoiding my gaze...
and my annoyance...
as the roll was new this morning...
Miz Sneaky Pie...despoiler of tp rolls...
destroyer of sanity...
able to unroll a full roll in mere moments...
with a bit of deft "slight of paw"...
she never tires of it...
is endlessly transported into worlds of wonder by it...
and always looks so innocent upon being...
"caught in the act"...
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