and by the "dawn's early light..."
the unfinished bathroom awaits G's return...
notice, please...that the fabled ceramic TP holder...
of legend & in the correct place...
and now... actually has TP, in it...
all is again, right, with the world
he left his drop cloth & painting stuff yesterday...
I kept the door closed to prevent cat depredations...
[SPie loves to pee on canvas & play in paint...]
of course, as he was setting up this morning...
he had "help"...
Mz Sneaky Pie paraded her snoopy, striped self around...
sniffing here & there, especially on the canvas...
so I shooed her out before she could cause trouble...
[and was truly surprised at how quickly she went...]
but the real surprise came from Molly...
seen here eating HER food...
this morning, there were NO cat food pans in her nest...
yesterday, the kitties got to eat most of their food...
since I put Molly in the back yard...
because she was really making a pest of herself with G...
she wasn't unhappy out there...
we played ball for a while...then I came in...
and she was out, alone, for a couple of hours...
when she started to whine, I brought her in...
I gave her a "cow toe"[part of a hoof]...
and she went straight to her nest...
and stayed there...happily chewing away...
with only minimal yipping or barking...
for the rest of the day !!
this morning, I let her out...
then let her back in...
gave her another "toe", which she happily carried off to chew...
and waited to see how she would react to G...
she greeted him in a very friendly manner...
but when I told her to go back to her nest...
she did...and stayed there, happily gnawing away[!!!]
later, I fed her, and she ate HER FOOD without hesitation...
[when she sneaks cat food, she doesn't want hers...]
now, she's gone back to her nest...
for more bone chewing...
leaving the window ledge to the kitties...
smart dog...she's really settled down...
from just from one "time out"...
it'll be so good to have the crate as a regular den...
then the back yard won't be isolation, but fun...
Frickie has no pus in his eyes this morning...
is eating & drinking regularly, as well as going to the cat box...
he may never regain his weight...
and may not be with us much longer...
but it's good to hear that deep purr when I pet him...
and to know that he's a happy cat...
everyone else seems to be so happy to be home...
and all the sick ones are almost well...
[Clavamox & eye salve are wonderful things !]
as is Mackie, who's totally his old self again...
Mr. Fluffy Tail [Mac] perches on the shower bench...
and looks at me as if to say...
"where's that thing I used to stand on to be admired?
I can't get close enough now..."
he's the only one who misses that tub...
[well, maybe the possums who lived under it...]
so as I write this...
G is painting the walls & ceiling...
after a bit of touch-up spackling...
[some of the patches need several layers...]
then... he'll turn off the water for a bit...
do some plumbing, & turn it back on to check for leaks...
I need to wash laundry & dishes...but will wait...
cat boxes & trash, on the other hand, wait for no one...
so I must get busy...
stay tuned...this afternoon's update should be good...
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