[well...sort of...but more on that later...]
so today was "grout day"...
un-sanded polybond on the walls...
sanded polybond on the floors...
and after an hour or so this morning...
J2 had finished the 3 shower walls...
including the trim...
and the bench with it's new corner...
R called it a "bird's beak"...
and in this shot you can really see why...
this shot is a bit softer, but still unique...
the mitered trim corner[s]...
on the bench wall...
and on the facing window wall corner...
BTW...the shower door guy came & measured today...
to get the door to open how I want...
I have to get 3/8's inch "heavy duty" glass...
it will have chrome trim & the glass will be slightly obscured...
very much like the lower sash window pane...
of course, it has to be ordered [more waiting...]
but the tile had to be done first...
so it will be done when it's done...
the faucets aren't hooked-up anyway...
and the newly grouted tile has to cure for several days...
before it can be sealed...then cure again...
before it can get wet...
so I won't be using it for at least another week or so...
[best case scenario...]
the curing/sealing has to happen prior to the hook-up...
of both the new toilet & the sink too...
here you can see the difference in appearance...
between the grouted walls & trim, above...
and ungrouted walls & trim here...
you might be asking yourself...
"why is there an "X" on that tile?"
because R set the ceramic TP holder too low...
'nuff said ?
it will be moved to the "X" tile location...
so anyone using the toilet won't have to sit sideways...
[this area was left ungrouted for that reason...]
this a good example of the drastic difference in appearance...
between the grouted walls on the right...
and the ungrouted ones on the left...
[all floors in this shot are yet ungrouted...]
see how grouting the floor really changes it's look...
all the pattern lines become almost subliminal...
a suggestion, rather than a statement...
some would have opted for black grout here to emphasize the lines...
I chose to minimize them for a better flow & sense of more space...
here you see the grout finished & the old toilet...
back in it's place for the night...
you can really start to get a feel for how it will be...
they are supposed to reposition the TP holder...
and finish grouting around it...
they are also going to make sure...
that all the grout joints are full...
and clean up the cement & tiling debris from my driveway...
once I can actually get to the garage...
I'll move out the remaining tile...
so I'm looking forward to a quiet Friday...
going into Saturday [FFers brunch...]
and Sunday...with church...
BTW my doctor is getting me an appointment...
with a different orthopod...from a different group...
who is a "hand" specialist...
they're even setting-up the appointment for me...
I also found out that my new health insurance company...
has me in an "EPO"...[less of an HMO...more like a PPO...]
which means that I can go to ANY specialist I want...
within the Blue Cross/Shield network...
without a referral...
I've been with them before & liked them VERY much...
this was the group that let me choose to go...
to the Mt Zion Melanoma Clinic in SF for my cancer surgery...
where they have done thousands of melanoma treatments...
rather than have to stay, "local"...
and take my chances...
with someone who may have done "dozens"...
Great progress! Glad to hear that you will be able to see a doctor better suited to help your hand. I still think those floor tiles are about the cutest thing going.
...my dr's appt is Groundhog Day...
he's a hand specialist and that was the first appointment he had...
I am SO glad I went with the 2" hex...even with the out of production worries... it has turned out great...
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