Tuesday, January 13, 2009

...back in the groove

this morning began by temporarily placing the new med.cab....

so the shelf...

could be centered under it...

then G put this together...
so he could see how it would fit on the wall...
above the tile line...

of course, as soon as the measurements were made...
it all went back on the sofa...
the "queue" for "NRTBPIY*"stuff...
*[that's,"Not Ready To Be Put In Yet" stuff...]

so having centered the shelf that goes under the med.cab....

G cut a couple of pieces of wood...
to be the backing to mount the shelf to...
[R will nail them in before they close the wall...]

G also cut & placed the 2x4 stud in the toilet wall...
[also to be nailed in place before the wall is insulated...
and closed...]

meanwhile R talked to J2, who's on his way...
about some supplies they need...

while he was putting down the plastic...
over the now cured 1st layer of cement in the shower pan...

this should be a productive day...
they plan to :

...insulate & close the toilet wall[after setting the stud...]
...close the sink wall[after setting the bracing for the shelf...]
...put down another layer of tar paper & cement in the shower pan...
...secure the floor around the toilet[which means taking out the toilet...]
...secure the last floor dry rot repair...

oh...BTW...R's problem yesterday is a shoulder problem...
he fell, bracing himself and woke up VERY sore...
he's had "rotator cuff" surgery on the other shoulder...
so he's "toughing it out"...

not easy to do when you have to use the affected part...
ALL the time...[spreading cement, "mudding"...etc...]

stay tuned for the continuing adventures...

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