when I got my first computer in 1996...
I got a computer armoire... with doors...
KNOWING my herd as I did...
it has proved a good idea...
at that time... I lived with over 30 cats...
now... less than half of that...
the hinges "broke" on the lower doors...
and I've had to manually replace the doors after each use...
to keep "them" out of the printer...
[I DO plan to replace the hinges...
when I get around to it...]
many kitties like to crawl in the back...
behind the printer...
but the worst offender has always been Creamer...
[her name was LeCrecia...because she has "lethal attitude"...
it became Creamer... because it "fit"...]
she likes to get on top of places, behind stuff & into corners...
to get away from Gracie & Sneaky Pie...as well as MJ...
who enjoy "deviling" her... due to her innate snarky attitude...
and spirit of retribution...[aka... revenge...]
often "marking" her area in disgusting ways...
instead of "running the gauntlet" to the cat box...
so I especially didn't want her "messing"...
behind or on my printer...
on the top of the armoire is bad enough...
also ... on the stove... kitchen counters...
IN the kitchen sink...on the top of the fireplace mantle...
in the bathtub... in a plant... just where ever ...
she's "moved" to leave her mark...
it's ALL hubris...the cat has "issues"...
she knows exactly where the cat box is...
she just chooses to go "elsewhere"...
I have often come into the office to find both lower doors...
flopped down... in the food dishes or the cat box...
the music stand knocked askew...music everywhere...
even trumpet cases knocked over...
if I had closed the doors with her behind the printer...
she is very stealthy...
making a giant mess in freeing herself...
and endangering the slower [ie older] kitties...
so, lately... I've just leaned them in place...
so she can slither out without knocking anything over...
today...as I've been sorting office papers...
and purging files from circa 1990...
I decided to take a couple of "before "pictures ...
of the armoire I've been whining about
needing to clean out & organize...
as I looked closer at the pictures I had taken...
I noticed something in the lower left hand corner...
in the cubby that had been full of a box of musical arrangements...
I had recently removed to store in a better place....
there was...a paw...
as I had backed up to get the entire computer mess in the next shot...
I also got more than a paw...
visible in the picture with the flash, but not without it...
so now... aiming my camera at the paw...
and shooting lower... into the cubby...
I got the full picture...
Creamer in her new "digs"...
at least my printed items will be less furry now...
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