today's good news ?
it's August... and Robbie is still hanging in here...
[here, napping with Mattie and MJ...
2 of his "posse"...only Thomas is elsewhere...]
they just finished "eating"...again...
Rob pesters me for food so often ...
that it wasn't all getting eaten...
it was going bad...and then, was being thrown out...
of course...
only "freshly opened" food is acceptable...
and his posse comes running ...
at the sound of a "top popping"...
opportunists that they are...
[I bought some little cans of Rob's 3 favorites to keep him going...]
I was up & "at it" early today...
sorting and hauling...
the porch is "full"...again...
trash... donations... stuff for the garage...
but you can see the floor in front of the bookshelves now...
today... I found my passport in a box of trash from my purse [c.2002]
[I need to renew it... and needed the original...]
I thought it was lost...
and was resigned to the extra expense ...
of not having the expired one in hand...
in the same box, along with ATM receipts...
grocery receipts and sales receipts...
I found my copy of the release letter...
from my Mt Zion Cancer Center doctor...
describing my cancer for my local doctor...
the treatment in 2000 ... the subsequent follow-ups...
and the long-term prognosis...
it's amazing what your mind chooses to "forget"...
I had forgotten that this letter even existed...
I also found Susan Issacs,"Shining Through" of my favorite books...
the film is good... but the book is much better... I thought it was lost...
I had been disappointed to have not found it earlier...
it had fallen in an old "discard" box...
I'm really glad I went through it...
it's an old friend I was missing...
at this point... I'll get bogged down ...
if I try to fix everything at once...
so I have some storage boxes designated as: "music"[mostly vocal] to sort...
"childhood memorabilia "[this includes some very old [100 years] story books ...
and some old recordings...]...perhaps E-Bay ?
photos/memorabilia to sort, [yearbooks, etc]...
comic collections,[Garfield, Calvin & Hobbes, Far Side, Bloom County,
Peanuts, the original paperback editions]
craft supplies, h.s.memorabilia...
and instrumental arrangements I did for a former church job...
as well as published orchestra parts for several major works...
these need to be filed with the rest of my music...
a couple of the boxes are hidden behind the foot stool...
[here, only temporarily...]
and the shredder I got Mom...
and subsequently inherited...
hidden behind the lacquered Japanese tray & art print...
is the 10 volume,"A Photographic History of the Civil War "...
published in 1912 that belonged to my grandfather...
I was fascinated by these books from the first time I saw them...
and now, they are mine...
I guess I got my interest in anything historical...
from my mom's father...
who died years before I was born...
in his pictures, he looks just like my brother...
a LOT has been done here...
the closet, behind this cart is organized...
this cart used to be on the utility porch...
next to the washer/dryer...
hence the laundry products...
the cart's NOT going back...
but the laundry stuff has been...
and will be finished soon...
I generally store flats of canned cat food on the cart...
but it's starting to "lean"...
I'll either have to "tighten" it up...
or find another cat food storage solution..
the lateral filing cabinet is filled with music...
and more storage...
both short and long term is happening on the top...
there's more music [trumpet]...
my 2007 taxes, along with Mom's final[2007] return...
and trust/estate records...
boxes of stationary supplies...
a photo printer for my camera...
trumpet/music equipment...
and cleaning supplies...
my sorting station...
with Lacy, ever the opportunist...
snoozing on my new chair..
the bookshelf... the broken, disgusting bookshelf...
is empty and on it's way out...
all the stuff on top of it needs to be sorted...
or at least moved...
since I already have one box to resort...
after my "assistants" knocked it on the floor...
from it's place, cross-stacked on the bookshelf...
so I'll be boxing this "pile" for sorting soon...
then, there's the "tower of trumpets"...
and the desk under the pile you see by the window...
there used to be a giant pile of trash/junk here...
but there is still a lot to sort in the 3 drawer chest on the right...
as well as the 2 drawers of files above it...
[I have stacks of things to file...]
then there's the computer armoire...
[Lacy... "helping me file"...]
and with all the help I'm getting...
with the filing and sorting...
I might be done by Christmas...
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