Tuesday, January 5, 2010

...teaching an old cat new tricks

I am, after all, not known as "the Catsinger" for nothing...

so far, this has about been my assessment of the differences...cats hear only what they want to hear...dogs think that they're being lavished with attention...
even when being corrected...

as a cat-staff-purr-son,
"I lead an ignored and fur-filled life"...[very true...]

as a dog-owner... uhh... ummm...
well, I rarely beg for caffeine...if I want it, I go get it...
so that just doesn't fit....

I know the feline mind, inside & out...
[quite an accomplishment, actually...]

and while this cartoon speaks to both canine & feline "job descriptions"...
I would think the feline hobbies actually include...
destroying furniture, barfing in my shoes & hacking-up hairballs...
while the canine hobbies include barking at everything that moves...
cruising the cat box & burying toys in the backyard...

and even though I will always prefer the subtlety of the feline to the canine...
I have come to realize that there are times...
when even a felinista such as moi, has to become more of a,"dog person"...

*sigh* [that time being now...]

I love my dog & wish her nothing but good...
but learning to live with a dog is stretching me...
taking me outside of my comfort zone...
making me learn new tricks...

and while I'll never become the "Dogsinger"...
[Molly sings enough for both of us, thank you very much...]
I am working on a more healthy co-existence for us both...

meanwhile, I thought that I'd pass on these bits of doggy humor I found...

[I have never swatted Molly with anything...
the blog part ? guilty, as charged...]

why I don't care for doggy [or kitty] kisses...

the rest just speak for themselves...

hee, hee...


Mousie and Christy's Mommy said...

Very cute, Catsinger! However, I probably won't let Barclee "kiss" me at all today with those "visions" in my head! This will be hard for her as Bichon's are known for their constant need to "kiss!"

catsinger said...

...pretty much my reaction also...;D
I have a similar reaction when the kitties lick the dripping bathroom faucet too...