Tuesday, January 26, 2010

...it's still raining[& I love it...]

it's still raining...

and though the weather forecast says,"showers" for today...
with clouds for tonight & tomorrow...
it's wet out there...
which at my house, is a good thing...

well... maybe not everyone at my house is happy about the wetness...

the last few days, every moment that I've been in my bedroom...
and obviously awake, has been a moment for "lobbying"...
aka b****ing & moaning by a pissed-off Piglet...
so unfairly incarcerated by moi, who, of course, made it rain...
these last couple of weeks, just to annoy & piss-off Herself...
["mean, spiteful & unfeeling wretch" that I am to her...]

whenever I walk into the bedroom,[or awaken/get up]...
she instantly sprints to the window...
making sure she uses my stomach as a springboard if I'm in bed...
insistently voicing her displeasure at my absence/sloth...
and her lack of "facetime" with the out of doors...

sometimes, when I'm trying to sleep...
she'll rattle the mini blinds, making quite a racket...
particularly, if I don't wake up soon enough to suit her or there's a full moon...
[it should be noted that she has NOT been allowed out after dark...
for a couple of years now, but hope still springs eternal...]

we carry on quite the dialogue... so mature, trés sophisticated...

p-o'd P:"I want out, now... NOW... NOW...NOW !!

me:[after each now]"...no ...NO ...NO ...NO !!
[until we get this, sort of, "um-pah" thing going...

as I move around the bed to leave the room...
she flings herself onto the bed, sprinting to the corner nearest the door...
then lays on her side, kicking her back feet & feigning "cuteness"...
playfully batting at me in an attempt to soften my heart of stone...
cajoling & meowing as pitifully as possible...

when that doesn't work, she takes a swipe at me, claws extended...
happy, if she draws blood or snags my sweater...pissed, if she whiffs...
then, narrowing her eyes, she vindictively calls me several ugly names...
and stalks away to take out her pique on poor Fluff...
who is in her nest, trying to nap & ignore the drama...

this situation was inadvertently exacerbated a couple of days ago...
because it was nice & sunny between storm fronts...
& Herself got to be "out" for several hours...
doing, really important cat stuff...
having the satisfaction of coming "in" & going "out", on her own...
which, apparently, despite the extreme joy...
of leaving numerous wet, muddy paw prints on my [fortunately, made] bed...
was all too brief and is now, completely forgotten by her...

also forgotten, but only by her, was the lovely moment...
'way too early, last Saturday morning...
when upon my return to my bed after an "0-dark:30 AM bathroom visit...
I discovered that unlike previous times...
when Pigs & Fluff would only invade my bed...
[covers thrown back, warm spot infested with heat seeking felines...
which then necessitated a feline "bum's rush"...
before I could return to MY bed for more zzz's...]

this time, someone[black & white]had scarfed too much food, too fast...
and barfed all over my "warm spot"...
apparently as soon as I left, 'cause the flannel sheets were soaked...
and not some dainty little "spit-up" either...

projectile barfing...a-l-l over the turned-down part...

yuk... so when she complains about how "mean" I am...
turning a deaf ear hasn't been as hard as you might think...
oh, & BTW... if I let her out & she gets wet & cold...
she's 'way more vindictive than when she stays in...
so that's why I avoid getting her too wet or cold...

so while Piglet was being Capt'n "Chase Sparrows", Queen of the Back Yard...

I treated my bout of "click-click" fever with a stroll in the sun shine...

with the leaves gone, all the mistletoe really shows up against the bright sky...

a lot of mistletoe has also been blown down by the storms...
and it was all over the ground...

as I turned the corner, the early red leaf plum came into view...
I've seen it bloom as early as late December when it's too warm...
and as late as early February when we've had a prolonged period of cold...
other blooming trees will wait until at least late February in the warm years...

but this one just can't wait to show off its blossoms...
a hint of the warmer, drier days to come...
and the much longed-for days of sunny garden snoozing for Pigs...
with the window open all day for Herself's Royal pleasure...


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