I enjoy British humor, when it's not too silly [slap-stick]
but I'd never heard of this film,"The Last of the Blond Bombshells",[2000]...
before New Year's Eve, when our hostess screened it for us at a party...
it was about 98 minutes and had no slow spots...
not raunchy, though a few pithy words will make you giggle...
no "gratuitous anything" and the music is just great !
besides Judy Densch, it features Olympia Dukakis & Leslie Caron...
as well as some of those terrific character players Brit comedies feature...
that will steal the show and some of these do...
the "Blond Bombshells" were an all girl swing band in Britain during WWII...
I'm not going to give away the plot[which has unpredictable turns...]
I'm just going to say that you'll laugh, a lot...
& musicians will enjoy all the period music, very well done...
my only detraction ?... watching "actors" pretend to play instruments...
though they were a lot better than many I've seen...
[the credits actually list the "tutors" for the "players"...]
so if you enjoy British humor, you should put "TLOTBB" in your Netflicks queue...
or just go rent it... it's for sale online for about $7, [new DVD]...
or as little as $.56 for a used VHS tape...
however you get it, give it a look...
you won't be sorry...
I agree with you about this movie! I saw it several years ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. Maybe I will put it on my Netflix list and watch it again!
...it's one I'd buy if I could find the $...
Thanks, I'll have to look this up!
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