Monday, April 14, 2008


Your Personality is Somewhat Rare (ISTP)

Your personality type is reserved, methodical, spirited, and intense.

Only about 6% of all people have your personality, including 3% of all women and 8% of all men

You are Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, and Perceiving.

" ME "...
every ones favorite topic...
[if you're truthful...]
but it's NOT that easy to know yourself...

I take these little quizzes...
and find myself wanting more choices...
more specificity... more delineation ...

the little Blog quizzes...
are pretty much entertainment...
the Jungian based "personality tests"...
much more scientific... [they're longer...]
[and my real personality is even rarer...
than the blog quiz one...]

my problem is that they are trying to make me decide...
am I a "head" or a "heart" person ?
do I follow "logic" [Mr. Spock] ?
or "emotions" [Captain Kirk] ?

and I am...
as the circumstances dictate...
often both...

just as I am ambidextrous...
I tend to use both sides of my brain...
although I was predominantly right-handed...
[left-brained = detail oriented]
for most of my life...

the amputation of the upper joint of my right thumb,
due to cancer, when I was 51...
has shifted most of my "thumb work"...
to my left hand...
so now I test as right-brained = "big picture"...

so when answering questions about "style"...
I'm conflicted...
I can do details...was always good at them...
but now...I tend to focus on the "big picture"...

I think things through logically...
but I use my feelings in the process
of logical evaluation...
as things are seldom that "cut & dry"...

I still test as an "introvert"...that'll never change...
although if I loose the self-consciousness...
that has always plagued me...
I will, hopefully loose the tendency to talk too much...
that comes, even with close friends, if I'm anxious...
or I'm sensing that they are....

sometimes, because I've suppressed
what I had to say for so long...
it all rushes out at once...
generally creating stress for all...
adding to my self-consciousness...

I can be "on"... be "social"
but it wears me out and then I have to crash...

it's "stage presence"...
all performers have it...
or you wouldn't go out
in front of a lot of people...
and "bear your soul"...

some relish it...
it is their,"raison d'étre"...
for me...the "act" of making the music, is the exhilaration...
I enjoy the "energy" of an audience...
but I am actually a bit embarrassed by the attention...

I can deal with it "in character"...
"off stage" becomes real work...

as hard as taking this real test was...
I must have been as honest as I could be...
since the "INTJ" group seems to be "me"...

however... the "little test" measures along the same guidelines...
and there, I'm an "ISTP"....
[like Katherine Hepburn or Han Solo...]

although the larger version of the test excludes me
from this group, which includes skydivers [NO, thanks...]...
the "performer" and "technician" side of me
would have gotten this result...

if you click on the can create a free account...
and take the "real test"...
[this is not one of those survey sites...]
there are pages of "real" personality analyses...
as well as real and fictional "people" in your "type"...

my fellow INTJ types include :

Abraham Lincoln...
and ...
Bugs Bunny...

Click to view my Personality Profile page


Fran aka Redondowriter said...

I have taken the Myers-Briggs several times and I am an ENFJ, although as I grow older, I'm very near an I. When I took the mini-test, I was ISTP, same as you. This test is used a lot among educators both to type themselves within their schools--and with older students. Along with the Enneagram, it sure has pointed out my traits with accuracy. Have you studied the Enneagram?

catsinger said...

yes, I have ...but it's been a while...and I don't remember what I was... as I get o;der, it becomes harder to make the decisions answering the questions that are so "one way, or the other"...
perhaps I've become "wishy-washy"...
I'll have to give the Enneagram another shot...