Friday, April 25, 2008

...yellow peril

[aka..."an ode to pollen..."]
(OK... it's not sue me...)

...ah, spring.... ah-choo !

until our all too brief rain the other day...
my car...and most of my yard...looked like this...

thanks to blooming trees...

and lots of wind...

[I'm not so sure I'd buy a used car from Calvin's dad...
but he may just be correct... about the wind....]

ever since Easter...I've been fighting the "seasonal allergies"...
with varying degrees of success...
depending on what's blooming...
and how hard it's blowing...

my worst sneezing seems to have passed...
with the oak pollen...
and now that the piles of pecan "debris" are pretty much gone...
my nose no longer twitches constantly...

now I'm just dealing with the stuffed nose...[at times...]
and the wages of several weeks of intermittent antihistamines...
more nose-blowing, stopped-up ears, dry mouth ...
and occasional sore throat...

as well as gluey, itchy eyes...which also burn and water...

and ugly headaches...

leaving me, as a dear friend used to say...
"feeling punk..."

forcing me "blow" through my impressive supplies of tissues...

"eat" bags of cough drops...

pop bottles of Excedrin...

and take EXPENSIVE [as in my insurance doesn't pay for them...]

the good news...

I haven't developed bronchitis this year....
first time in YEARS...without an upper respiratory "thing"...

I haven't needed my inhaler [for the "adult onset" viral asthma]...
at all this year...
[first time in over 10 years...]

so I guess waking up with eyes "glued shut" a few times...
a couple of sore throats, stuffed nose, plugged ears,
and a few sneezes is not so bad...all things considered...

I guess you could say that the only thing I'm REALLY allergic to...
at this point... is sulphur smoke...
and, I believe ...
that I've been successfully vaccinated against that...
[hee, hee...]


God HAS blessed me...

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