Friday, April 4, 2008

...hiding in plain sight

you just want
to be invisible....

to "hide...
in plain sight"...

to be a part
of the background...
to not be noticed...

there is a great joy
in anonymity...
especially ...
where giving is concerned...

Jesus told us to pray...
and give alms...
in secret...

not to impress the world...
or even ourselves...

only God needs to know...
not even other believers...

who doesn't love crafting a gift...
spending hours...days...
getting it just right...
and that moment when we present it,
to our loved one...
anticipating their joyful reaction...
and then joining in...sharing the joy...

as lovely as those moments are...
consider the gift given to one
not really known to you...
one you can not present a gift to
without causing pain or embarrassment ... must go into stealth mode..
"hiding in plain sight"...
"blending in"...
leave the gift...
where your recipient will find it...
and go away...

if you can blend in well enough...
you may get to observe their reaction...
but unless you are very stealthy...
you will be found out...
and loose the mantle of being "anonymous"...

"hiding in plain sight" giving...
is not for everyone...
your gift may be rejected...

but as in every "random act of kindness"...
it's not about "you" anyway...
it's about "giving"...
and "loving" them...
as He would have us do...

1 comment:

Mousie and Christy's Mommy said...

Catsinger...there is also great joy in giving to someone you might not have even thought of giving to before you were challanged to participate in "Paying It Forward!" I am already plotting and planning on my "love" projects for those who commented on my PIF challange! (Although looking for one more to make my three!!)

However, I do agree that "hiding in plain sight" brings much joy also. Perhaps I will challange myself to that also! Gosh, I will be quilting up a storm this summer and fall! I can hardly wait!