Saturday, April 5, 2008

...r u lsng ?


and listening...
to God...

as followers of Christ...
we are expected to pray...
Jesus instructed us to...
and gave us examples...

we are enjoined...
to be in prayer...
"in ALL circumstances...
and for everything...
to make our thanks and supplication to God..."

the longer we live "in Christ"...
the more natural our inclination to pray becomes...
but if we only pray in church...
or when we are grateful...or in "need"...

we miss out on so much of the relationship ...
we could be having with God

in a world where texting, e-mailing and cell phones proliferate...
where we feel a need to be in constant contact...
with friends and family...about trivial things...
why don't we realize how close God can be ?...

like any relationship, getting to know God takes some effort...
if we "pop in and out" a teen asking for money...
that's about all we will get...
but there's SO much more...

when we approach God as a friend, as well as Lord...
with trust, born of time spent together...
and praise for all His goodness on our behalf...
worshipfully waiting before Him...He speaks to us...

the longer you live with God in this way...
the more He will transform you and your life...
dissolving bitterness... controlling your anger...
calming your fears...
and giving you His peace...

as you joyfully accept His will for you...
your life...your relationships... your work...
"things" begin to "untangle"....
"walls" come down...

lifelong destructive behavior patterns change...
your "vision" broadens to see "beyond" today...
your life is completely different...
because YOU are completely different...

the keys to unblocking your channels of God's love...
allowing these life-changing transformations...
are praise... worshipful praise....
and joyful acceptance of His will fueled by trust...
coming from a heart on fire with His Holy Spirit...

so, what do we have to lose ?
only fear, anxiety, worry, bitterness, anger...
as we move forward...
closer... to the Holy God of everything...

prayer can "change" things...
because prayer "changes" people....
and then the "changed" people...
WILL "change" things...
all praise and glory to God !

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