Monday, April 7, 2008

...a chorus of the "blues" [states...that is...]

hee, hee.... [BTW...did you notice ? the elephant has 3 stars...the donkey the last 2 elections...]

You Are a Liberal for Life

You've got a bleeding heart - and you're proud of it.

For you, liberal means being compassionate, pro-government, and anti-business.

You believe in equality for every person, and you consider yourself universally empathetic.

Helping others is not just political for you ... it's very personal too.

In deference to the ramping-up of the political rhetoric...
and the soon-to-be influx of election "hoo haw"...
[an old Southern term for male bovine excrement...]
I present you with the results of my
"what's your political persuasion" quiz...

at the risk of opening a GIANT, economy sized can o'worms...
ie.NEVER discuss religion or politics...
[it's never stopped me before...
why should now be different ?...
she typed, loquaciously...
and, yes...I hear you laughing...]

... I proudly raise my "blue states flag"...

I have a few "issues" with the above description of "moi"...
cantus felinus politicus, however...

"pro-government" for me... means helping the "help-less"...
people who really need help
with food, shelter or affordable health care...
NOT giving handouts to anyone
who won't try to help themselves...
but that question wasn't asked...

I am NOT "anti-business"...
I am anti, "the-rich-get-richer"...
while working and middle class people struggle...
I would have joined Robin Hood in a flash...
[if this makes me a St.Paul...]

I am always a bit amazed that the ideals of
"sharing"... "helping those in need"... and "equal rights"...
classify me and my basically conservative nature...
as a "bleeding heart Liberal"...

true...I can and do try to accept a great deal of diversity...
but that comes from my Christian belief structure...
[being judgemental is God's job...not mine...]

Jesus said, "love your neighbor as yourself"...
and I love myself enough to want adequate
food, shelter and health care...
if I really needed help in any of those areas...
I'd hope that my government could help me
both in my infirmity ...
and to get me back on my feet again...

and if not my government...
then my church...or my friends...or my family...
but what if I have none of those who CAN help ?

we are all in this together...
whether we like it or not...
we MUST take some responsibility
for those who NEED help...
and have NO other help but the government...

conservative... moderate... liberal...
these terms are to some, so polarizing...
as to make the "opposite" name an anathema...
it's just a label... get over it...!

caring, socially-aware, fair-minded, independent people...
who think for themselves and "don't fit" in a cubbyhole
come in every race, creed. color, religion ...AND...

the bottom line is what counts...
are your views just "the party-line"?
no thought involved ?
then, get informed and challenge yourself
to be "where the buck" stops...
that's our job in a democracy...

Gandhi said that a society will be judged by how it deals with
the weakest ones amongst them...
[those who are vulnerable...those with no "influence..." ]
a government of, by and for THE PEOPLE...
needs active participants...not hitch-hikers...

we need to learn to do our part...
whether it's helping those who NEED it...
or teaching people to take pride in
doing an honest days' work...
everything else will follow...

I personally dislike ALL politicians these days...
they all lie...and "spin"...
and take NO responsibility for ANYTHING...

[ BTW...there was a politicians' face on this quiz...
...I removed it...]

I think that whoever dreamed-up
the "symbols" for the 2 main parties...
couldn't have been more "spot on"-
as the Brits would say...

a braying jackass ...
and a big, ungainly pachyderm...

that just says it all...

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