Tuesday, April 15, 2008

...more "me"..."me"..."me"

Click to view my Personality Profile page

well, no surprises here...
unless you are looking at the fact that
my "verbal/linguistic" levels are only 75 %...
and only 4th from the top...

and if this surprises you...remember...
these are my "learning styles"...

I have always scored very high in "spatial concepts"...
[and no...that doesn't mean I'm "spacy"...

and the bottom one...60 % logic/math...
I can assure you... ALL logic...NO math...

I WAS a bit surprised that there were only 3 choices
for each question...
and that "always" & "never" were not included...

I've spent a lot of time giving "standardized tests"...
and you always have a definite "yes" & "no"...
with 2 or 3 "possibles"...
as choices...

actually... I'm just waiting for time to pass at the moment...

I have a 2nd appointment with my tax preparer today...

[yes..I KNOW it's April 15th....]

I have only one thing to say...

[make that beer DARK !]

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