I went to have the dressing changed today...
I took my camera because the phone pictures were really blurry...
only the outer part and padding needed changing...
as you can see, the swelling and redness has really gone down...
especially around the "wire"...
the healing incision is so nice & dry...
that the paper tape securing it didn't need replacing...
so the healing process is going well...
now I just need to keep it warm enough so it doesn't ache...
and medicated enough that it doesn't wake me up...
but the prognosis is looking good...
on other fronts...
Creamer has diarrhea again...
and SPie is peeing in the bathroom...
though she has left the TP alone...
since I put it backwards...
it's always something...more...
You know, I wish we could see an X-ray of that -- how the wire's wrapped around and all. Fascinating!
Mr GT wonders if you couldn't ask your doctor for a free copy of an X-ray of your finger for your blog. My dentist uses digital X-rays, maybe your Dr. does too! :D
...I actually was discussing this subject with the nurse who changed my dressing today...
she said that without seeing an x-ray, she wasn't sure what the shape was[I'd asked if she knew...]
she also said that it was probably "L" shaped... and you see where the bend is...so she thinks that the part we can't see is probably straight...
if I didn't think they'd charge me an arm & a leg to take an X-ray of it...I'd ask...but they haven't done one so I can't just get a copy...since it's coming out[I presume] on Mr GT's birthday...he's welcome to come along & observe the
there are digital x-rays of the finger, but they are the ones you saw, which show nothing...
OK, a little EEEW here, but interesting, and looking MUCH better than before. The finger is finger-shaped and -oriented at least! The piece of metal sticking out does give you pause. Not as bad as things I saw when I worked at a hospital years ago, though. The broken leg with sets of pins sticking out at the four quadrants, attached to an external metal frame, that was the worst.
Calico...I SO agree with you...it does give me "pause" to look at that piece of metal sticking out too...
but then, I have also gazed upon a newly amputated thumb...looking like a small sack of grain, with 8 black stitches & really swollen...
looking at those pins stuck into body parts, held by frames, ALWAYS gives me the "willys"...ewww, big time...
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