Thursday, February 19, 2009

...a really busy, paperwork day...

lately, I've been lucky enough to be able...
to spend time in "another era"...
[...the Renaissance...]


I suppose I should be thankful...
that I don't have to copy music like they did...

been there...done that...
NOT fun....

today...reality tapped me on the shoulder...
as I realized that my finger disabilities...
and injury/surgery adventures...
had me seriously "behind"...
since Ash Wednesday is less than a week away...

and there was a LOT of church music "stuff" to do...

fortunately for me, BLT does all the brain twisting planning...
but I have to go through the mass elements sheets...
making sure that nothing has escaped his "eagle eye"...
or got mangled by his quickly typing fingers...
making musical & selection "suggestions"...
& working out the massive job of supplying the copies of the music...
that the choristers, cantors & organist will need...

if you aren't familiar with a structured liturgical service...
there are all manner of protocol that needs to be followed...
that is a large part of what makes it so beautiful & uplifting to me...
and also why it takes a great deal of informed planning...
organization and just plain work...

BLT has the liturgical & canonical expertise...
as well as being a fine musician/singer, a detail-oriented guy...
& a retired music educator...

I am a retired music educator as well...
I have been employed as a church soloist/cantor since college...
and have extensive music librarian experience...
I think you all know how anal I can be...

so between us, we keep the music program, "humming along"...
[sorry, I just could NOT resist that...]

I've spent nearly ALL day, & into the evening...
going over the mass elements sheets for Ash Weds...
through Lent and Holy Week to Easter...which we celebrate twice...
first at the Great Vigil, on Saturday night...
with the first Easter service following the Vigil...
and then our regular Easter Sunday morning almost repeat of the night before...

since we celebrate the Triduum [Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Great Vigil]
there is a LOT of music...Psalms to be chanted, responses, anthems, etc...
we also do a weekly Wednesday night Lenten observance...
that includes a few of us leading a service of Taizé singing...
and I still have that to deal with tonight...

that won't be too hard...
I'll just adjust the program from last year...

now if I can only find my notes...
so I can correct those "pesky" little things...
that we always forget to fix from year to year...
and if I can't find them...?


there's always next year...

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