this has been a banner year for roses...
these pictures were taken from 6/25 - 7/5...
all the smoke in the air created a unique "filter" for the camera...
it kept the colors from being washed out in the "direct sun"...
allowing a rarely seen depth and intensity of color...
for the time of day... and year...
they are all gone now...
thanks to 4 days of intense heat [105 - 111 ]...
and a persistent wind...
I'll cut them all back tomorrow...
push some water at them...
and await the next explosion of color...
probably in a few weeks...if it doesn't get really hot again...
hope you enjoyed a walk in my rose garden...
Wow! Entirely Spectacular!!!!!! I remember my Mudville roses and how thick and beautiful they would first emerge from winter's sleep... especially if I didn't prune them.
I think the equivalent here is peonies. They make my heart stop.
...what's that these are the 2nd flourish...
and there will be more.. if I cut these back !
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