to recap...
with these colors & pattern of tile in my bath room...
[white field tile with black & celedon green trim...]
the black is the top...most of the walls will be white...
the black/green/black trim strip will be about 6" from the top...
of the 6' shower wall and the 4 ' other walls...
I'm trying to decide on having these "art tiles"...
[which are the same 6" x 6" size as the white field tiles...]
inserted in the shower wall...
as highlight tiles...
at about the 4' level...
so far ...there's been no input from anyone...
and I'm really interested in input...
I think that the style/colors would work...
and they look "deco-ish"...but I'm not sure...
I don't want them to interfere with the simplicity of the trim...
I could frame them...
and hang them as wall art...
decisions... decisions...
on another front...
I finally finished sorting books, etc...
sorting out about 10 boxes of books to "go"...
and about 5 bags of trash...
there was a small tragedy...
I knocked over, and broke my racu cat figurine...
the one that I had in the bedroom ...
so the kitties wouldn't destroy it...
20+ hours in...
and there are STILL piles....
besides all the boxes on the porch...
that I have to schlep somewhere...
[a used book store perhaps ? ]
now... where did I put that Excedrin ?
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