no...I didn't go shopping for the entire block...
here are 21 bags of food...
on their way to the Mudville Emergency Food Bank...
[I also collected 7 bags of trash ...
there are 3 here because the garbage can is full...]
total weight of the donation... ?
same as I used to weigh...about 8-9 months ago..
ironic... isn't it ?
I also took several bags of misc. items...
to the donation station ...
of St Mary's Interfaith Dining Room...
[connected to the Mudville Homeless Shelter...
they provide a shelter for families...
as well as a men's shelter and a women's shelter...
and will take almost anything useable...]
this is the breakfast nook area ...
that had been cleaned out about a year ago...
and even though clutter collected...
it did remain pretty organized...
I got some donation items from this area...
but really not much...
there is still a box of dry goods...
[beans, split peas, the store bags]
I'll go through the shelves...
[on the left in this shot...]
and toss the old stuff...
replacing it with the new...
then that box will be gone...
this is the "un-cluttered" kitchen counter...
the part you can't see is actually less cluttered...
than the part in the picture...
these are the pantry shelves on the utility porch...
this is where most of the donation stuff came from...
there are also wall shelves...
which are now almost empty...
I just really don't eat the kind of food I used to...
I had a lot of packaged & canned food...
a lot of it was a couple of years old...
but had been kept in a cool place...
so much of it was still quite usable...
I could have not bought food for a LONG time...
but I decided to let someone else...
who needed it more than I do...have it...
I know it still looks like a LOT......
but for a total packrat such as I have always been...
it is next to NOTHING...
at's a good start...
there is still SO much sorting... discarding...
donating... organizing... yet to do...
in the nook/kitchen/utility porch area...
then there's the office... ARGH !
but for now... most everything "hurts"...
not so much my normal back/nerve pain...
this is arms... hands... shoulders...
neck... upper back...
feels like it used to when I used to do weight training...
after NOT doing it for a while...
or like when you move...
so I'm popping some Excedrin...
and taking a nap...
Wow! Your place looks wonderful!
21 bags: amazing. Simply amazing.
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