Wednesday, December 5, 2007

..."lives with cats..."

Early Native Americans had the right idea...
give a person the name they earn
by the way they live or who they are...

Can you just imagine how easy
getting to know someone might be
if their name was so "telling"...
so revealing... ?

"pain in the neck', your boss,
wouldn't even have to pretend to be nice...
and "can't keep a secret" would be,
always, out of touch... [if you're smart...]

that adrenalin junkie friend of yours,
was pegged early on as "runs with scissors"
while a late bloomer might still be known as
"stays home alone"...

Instead of Who's on first,
What's on second, etc....
it would be "all hit, no arm" on first
with "scrappy slap hitter" on second...

Instead of calling my cat ,"Sneaky Pie",
it would have been... auh...
ummm.... hummm....uhh...
well, I guess not every theory is fool-proof....


DearestDragonfly said...

I've had a 'Runs With Scissors' bumper sticker, laying quietly on a spare dresser, for 6 or 7 years. I've been contemplating putting it to proper use.

But California was the better environment for that! Here, it probably would be associated with my tattoo...

catsinger said...

...OR, you could get a NEW tattoo that says "Runs with Scissors"...the Hoosiers will be "perplexed"
[you must remember, I lived in Chicagoland for 5 years...]

DearestDragonfly said...

Now, you're aiding and abetting me!!!

catsinger said...

....SOUNDS LIKE FUN !...although you won't see me getting a tattoo any time soon...I'll leave that to all you "REAL" women [you & Miz Minka] ; }