Wednesday, December 19, 2007

"Asleep, on the top shelf..." Cat-mas carol #10

High up on the top shelf,
the Sneaky Pie sleeps, and
dreams, as she snores there,
of good things to eat...

of tur-key scraps, and roast beef, and
fresh hot dog buns...
yes, the buns are her favorite,
but they give her "the runs"...

And, on the floor, hear Gracie snore...
as she sleeps in my way...if I
want to pass, it is "bite my ass,
"there's a crunchie toll to pay..."

now Thomas cat, snoozes peacefully,
unless he smells tur-key...
then he just goes nuts, and he
meows and struts, driving poor me, crazy...

on the sofa back, Lucyfur is "sacked-out" en-
joy-ing her nap, when she
hears the pop of the cat food top,
and she's there to eat in a snap...

and suddenly, they're all here with me,
telling me that they're starved...
no food's passed their lips, for at least a year,
and they're almost "expired"...

so the food goes down, in more ways than one,
on the plates and down their throats....
gobble, gobble, slurp, now and then a burp...
pretty soon it's all gone...

as I look around, lots of tongues I see,
as they wash their paws and faces...
then it's back to stretch, yawn and then, curl up, while back to
"favored" place, someone races...

all is peaceful now, everyone is full,
washed and peace-ful-ly, a-sleep...
too bad it won't last, soon they'll be awake
and I'll be in "doo-doo", deep...

["Away in the Manger", 2nd tune]

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