and things are growing fast...
the mint is starting to fall over, it's so tall...
[there's more than this...]
the grapefruit seedling has a leaf !
the tomatoes & beans are growing almost moment by moment...
and the beans have their first blossoms!
as does the crookneck squash...
the Armenian cuke hasn't bloomed yet...
but is happily growing up its cage...
and the peppers have lots of buds waiting to bloom...
eggplant blooms aren't new...
but a spent bloom/possible eggplant is...
you saw the cherry toms before...
now they're bigger & turning creamy...
[the first step towards ripening...]
this tiny tomato is a bloom that has set in the last week...
and the Brandywines that were planted with set fruit...
are now the size of tennis balls...
& turning lighter...
the flowers in the fence boxes have settled in nicely...
though the ancient garden hose that is a major part...
of the drip irrigation system has sprung a few major leaks...
and will need replacement soon...
the "rabbit's paw" fern on the front porch is growing...
notice all the "foot" growth down the side...
its paws are also climbing the brick...
I've never seen that before...
I'd like to think that just as there are signs of life and growth in your garden, things are going to look up in other areas of your life too. Hang in there!!!
Your garden is beautiful and so soothing to look at. The flowers at your fence are exactly my favorite color scheme in gardening - blue, yellow and white. I've never tried growing many ferns, but that rabbit foot fern is intriguing. Does it winter over in the hanging planter or do you have to take it in? lobelia [Crystal Palace],white allyssum[smells wonderful] & yellow,in this case coreopsis[Sunrise ?]
the rabbit/squirrel paw fern was 3 4" plants from HD,planted together about 18 mo loves that spot & winters there...the heat storms would be a worry, then I'd move it for the duration...
...MM, I'm working on "hopeful", but the "die is cast" in some areas...
and that's hard to accept...
nothing is beyond God, however...
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