played out, ad nauseum, in my bedroom for days...
finally pissing-off Fluff so much...
that the mere approach of the Piglet...
would bring forth angry hisses & nasty growls...
finally resulting in this...
Fluff repaired to the "winter palace"...
leaving Pigs with no more cuddle time...
or chances to plop herself down on top of Fluff...
[the "WP" has 2 sharing...
as if they ever did...share, that is...]
Pigs, of course, must appear to care, not at all...
so this is her default spot [quite visible to Fluff]...
until I'm available to plop down on top of...
and the much sought-after "Summer Bed" ?
for the time being...deserted...
cats, go figure...
The expression on Fluff's face is just priceless - "" know, I believe that she said those exact words...
with a few catly @#$%^&'s sprinkled in...
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