Sly cat, Sneaky Pie looked down,
from her perch, so lofty...
on the top shelf nested she,
on the oatmeal boxes...
She watched Creamer saunter past,
unaware of danger...
then she swooped down, steal-th-ly,to
catch the Creamer, un-a-ware...
Stealthy, stealthy Sneaky Pie,
as she creeps up closer...
blissful, naive Creamer cat,
never saw her coming...
suddenly, that rotten Tom,
leaps into the picture,
scatter-ing them both in fright, with
screams and growls and h-is-ses
Now , the cat fight's really on,
round and round they're racing,
yowling, screetching, mad as hell, no
prisoners there're taking...
Creamers' gone to "higher ground" ,
watching all the chaos...
Sneaky's calling Thomas names,
nice cats never m-en-tion ...
World War 6 is close at hand when
Sneaky screams at Thomas...
"Here comes Mom, you blank, blank, blank, she's
gon-na kick your butt now",
Sneaky leaps back up on high, hiding in her re-fuge...
Thomas, sulks and stalks away,
seeking to be-co-me "scarce"
Sneaky Pie binds up her wounds,
[ mostly injured pri-de],
plotting death and sweet revenge,
[Thomas cat WILL die..!].
As she yawns and stretches there,
sloth o'retakes her venom, to-
morrow is another day and
he can wait, it's na-p time
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