Monday, November 12, 2007

The Cat-mas Song [#7]

Hairballs lying on the leat-her chair
cat barf sticking to my toes,
yowling kitties, ar-guing by the fire, and
cat box, full to o-ver-flow...Ev-ery-bo-dy
knows, that cat pee and a pile of poop...
help to make the carpet "right"...
growling cats, with their fur all bushed-out, will
keep me from my sleep, tonight...They don't care
if, I sleep or not, as long as lots food is found upon "the spot",
and every rotten cat is gon-na try,
to see if they can real-ly sneak out-side, and so,
I'm off-er-ing this sim-ple phrase, from
one ,who knows a cat or two, al-
though, it's been said, ma-ny times,
ma-ny ways, Mer-ry Cat-mas,t-o you...