Tuesday, January 1, 2008

...ode to New Year's Eve, in Mudville

'twas the night before New Years'...
and all through the house...
not a kitty was stirring...
nor nary a mouse...

sly Sneakie Pie snoozed on her perch up high...
while Thomas Cat dreamed of "Sneaky" cat pie...
Mz Lucy fur, purred as she snugged up to Robbie...
and Gracie cat smiled as she dreamed,"plates of turkey"....

bold Pig-a-let snored, and grunted in sleep,
while Fluff, ever watchful, her distance would keep...
the others, all dreamed, as they slept on soft cushions
on bookshelves, and chair backs ... my soft furry puss-kins

then what to my sleeping ears now did come banging ?
and popping and crashing and thumping and clanging ?
why, the new year, it came with a bang and a shout....
as all of my neighbors must have took their guns out...
and aimed at the stars, or the moon, to "shoot out"...

yo ! "yahoos", yo ! gun nuts, we're in city limits !
the stuff you shoot "up", comes back down, don't you get it ?
I was sound asleep.... and had been so for hours...
'til you-all, just had to show off all your powers...

no fireworks.... no gun fire.... let's us all be wise...
we don't need to celebrate, risking some lives....
so if you want your old year to end with a "bang"...
to shoot off your Oozi, or fire up your tank...
stay away from me, please...I don't want to fight...
Happy New Year to all, and to ALL, a calm night !

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