at least 2 feet high, to be put away...
and there was a lot of other stuff to do in the choir room...
I got to the church fairly early today & got busy...
I reorganized some shelves that had been emptied quickly...
during the last "flood" in the fall of 2007...
labeled the shelves & the contents...
moving some reference materials from the teetering piles on the desk...
the grocery bags contain choir supplies...
the boxes to the left contain music left to our church...
from the estate of a former organist/choir director...
it took me DAYS to sort it this far...
the cataloguing will be a massive undertaking for a later time...
for the moment, everything is "up"...
just in case we have another flood...
so that chore done...
I spent a couple of hours on the huge piles of music...
sorting first Holy Week music, with all its service music...
and making piles of Advent, Lent & Eastertide anthems...
this shows the Lent/Holy Week service music file box...
with the large amount of service music out of the way...
sorting & refiling anthems will be easy...
which is a good thing...
since there is all of this new music which has to be processed...
[boxed, labeled, cataloged & shelved...]
I also have to go through the stacks, "weeding"...
[librarian for "pulling/moving seldom used items"...]
I probably have an hour or so of sorting/shelving tomorrow...
then most of a day of processing...
before I can really work on music selection for the coming year...
the significance of this ?
the "returned music" box [on the floor...] is empty...
and the "bad copies" have been discarded...
the rest is almost done...
by sorting by seasons
[since I kept the return piles in order...]
I get done faster [less choices...]
and make less mistakes...always a good thing...
and a bonus !
the wifi network works in the music room...
so I don't have to go over to the office to go online...
Wouldn't it be lovely to have all of this in electronic format so you could just "select" and "print" whenever you needed something, and never have to refile? I know - it would be wasteful, but so much easier!
...the librarian in me is currently screaming,"NOOOO!!"
I know it's not very "modern" or "deconstructionist"...
but the marks musicians make on the paper is a connection...
and to me as a musician, gives another layer of meaning to the creation process...besides, I often forget how we did something the last it's nice to have a memory jog...
BTW this doesn't include invasive or defacing marks that obscure words or notes...
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